From: Rudisar Ladislav <rudisar@FAF.CUNI.CZ>
Subject: MSDOS 6.22
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 17:27:00 C
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Vzhledem k tomu, ze se ke me dostalo jiz nekolik desitek dotazu typu, kde se da v archivu microsoftu nalest soubor s upgradem dosu verze 6,x na 6.22 (tusim posledni verzi) a zda je to opravdu bezplatny upgrade - dovoluji si napsat odpovedi do konferenci csinfo-l a net. Soubor s upgradem se nachazi na ftp serveru microsoftu ( nebo jeho mirroru: Je opravdu free pro vlastniky nejake verze 6.x a opet obsahuje kompresi dat (drvspace). Nasledujici dokument obsahuje strucny popis instalace: --------------------------- The STEPUP.EXE file contains a downloadable version of Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22 Step-Up. To use the MS-DOS 6.22 Step-Up, your computer must be running MS-DOS 6, 6.2, or 6.21 in the same language as this version of the STEPUP.EXE file. Note: If you are running MS-DOS 6.x in a different language, check other directories for a version of STEPUP.EXE in the language you need. Additional language versions will be posted as they become available. STEPUP.EXE is a self-extracting executable file that contains the following files: SETUP.BAT (This filename differs depending on the language) README.NOW (This filename differs depending on the language) 1MSDOS62.EXE 2MSDOS62.EXE 3MSDOS62.EXE To install the MS-DOS 6.22 Step-Up: 1. Download the STEPUP.EXE file to your computer's hard disk drive. 2. Change to the directory on your hard disk drive that contains the STEPUP.EXE file. 3. Type STEPUP to extract the files STEPUP.EXE contains (including the README.NOW file). 4. Read the README.NOW file for additional instructions on installing. ---------------- Zdravi, L.Rudisar
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