From: David Kolman <kolm0001@GOLD.TC.UMN.EDU>
Subject: Please send to whoever may be intrested
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 10:17:31 -0600
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CIVIC LEADERSHIP FOUNDATION INVITES SLOVAK & CZECH NGO ACTIVISTS TO MAY 1995 BRATISLAVA SEMINAR ON CREATING AND MANAGING NGOS Applications for 1995-96 U.S. Training Fellowships also invited February 1995 The Civic Leadership Foundation of Minneapolis, U.S.A., invites Czech and Slovak nongovernmental (NGO), civic, and community activists to participate in a May 1995 seminar on creating and managing successful nongovernmental organizations. The seminar will be held May 18-19 in Bratislava, Slovakia. Through discussion, small group exercises, and lectures, the seminar will emphasize planning and fund raising issues for NGOs. Participants will also be encouraged to ask questions about specific issues facing their own organizations. Seminar leaders will include Ronnie Brooks, an expert on planning, citizen participation, and nonprofit leadership, and Ricky Littlefield, director of the Center for Nonprofit Management in Minneapolis. ELIGIBILITY: The seminar is designed for Czechs and Slovaks active in nongovernmental organizations, ages 20-35. Two participants from the same organization are welcome. The seminar is limited to 30 participants and will be conducted entirely in English. TO APPLY: Please send: (1) a one or two-page plan for your own NGO project, (2) a one-page essay about why you want to attend the seminar, and (3) a one-page biography which includes your mailing address (and any fax or E-mail addresses). All application material must arrive in Minneapolis no later than April 7, 1995. U.S. TRAINING FELLOWSHIPS: Slovak and Czech NGO activists are encouraged to apply for 5-month-long fellowships in the U.S., funded by the Civic Leadership Foundation. Fellowships include internships with American nonprofit organizations as well as nonprofit management training. To apply for a fellowship, please send the application materials requested above; your essay should explain your interest in a U.S. fellowship. Applicants for the U.S. fellowship will be interviewed in Bratislava on May 20, 1995. Send all application materials and requests for information to: -Mail: P.O. Box 52011, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55402-5011 U.S.A. -Fax: (001) (612) 672-9751 {phone: (612) 672-0006} -E-mail: The Civic Leadership Foundation develops educational exchanges and partnerships between Minnesotans and emerging Czech and Slovak civic leaders to foster the growth of democratic institutions and values.
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