Subject: Ochrana znamka UNIX
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 14:58:42 LCL
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Vazeni kolegove a kolegyne, K diskusi o pouzivani ochrane znamky UNIX bych doporucil si precist vybornou (a velmi jasne psanou) kapitolu 7 v knize: PEARSON, Hillary E. and Clifford G. MILLER: Commercial exploitation of intellectual property. London: Blackstone press, 1990. ISBN 1-85431-044-5 vii+464p. Lstg 21.95p v Anglii. Kapitola (str. 178-221) je na tema: Protecting image and reputation: Passing-off, Trade marks and Service marks. "This chapter is about the way people copy in order to benefit from the image and reputation of others and whether this kind of copying can be prevented or restricted by law." Odpoved autoru je "ano", s detailnim navodem. [na priklad: strana 209: "Attacking a registration or application", "The grounds of attack. The following is a list of the grounds on which various attacks can be based *the mark is likely to deceive or cause confusion, ...".] Pearson je "intellectual property lawyer (v jedne firme v Anglii)..., formerly a partner in a major intellectual property firm (v USA) and ... a member of the California nad Texas Bars and Barrister of the Middle Temple" (v Londyne); Miller je absolvent (s BSc a ARICS) Imperial College, University of London, a pravnik (solicitor) specialista na "intellectual property law", a tez prednasi ve sve alma mater (v Continuing Education Centre). Kniha dava priklady soudnich rozhodnuti nejenom z Anglie nybrz i z jinych statu (hlavne USA), a bere v uvahu tez legislaci Evropskych Spolecenstvi. Kdyby ten UNIX-Kokes byl stejny, nebo i v hlavnich bodech podobny znamemu UNIXU tak by to pravdepodobne byla otazka "copyright", kdyby UNIX- Kokes byl prodavan jako "stejny" s UNIXEM tak by to mohla byt tez vec "passing-off". Kdyby ovsem UNIX-Kokes nemel nic spolecneho s UNIXEM tak by nemel pan Kokes zadny duvod pro stiznosti, jelikoz by se jeho vyrobek dal snadne rozpoznat od UNIXU znameho jiz (v ruznych variantech) skoro ctvrt stoleti. Ohledne software vseobecne, jedna autorativni kniha je: CARR, H. and R. ARNOLD: Computer software: legal protection in the United Kingdom. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1992 (2nd edition). ISBN 0- 421-44380-4.xl+312 pp. Lstg 45.00p v Anglii. Oba autori jsou "barrister". Psana pro pravniky. Obsahuje tez uvahy o "other jurisdictions; EEC regulations, directives, notices, ... treaties and conventions" k 1.10.1991, s informaci o "EC Directive on the protection of computer software to be implemented by 1.1.1993". Kdyz vlada CR doufa ze CR se stane plnym clenem EU jeste pred koncem stoleti, tedy behem necelych peti let, tak legislace (a interpretace legislace) v jednom clenskem statu Evropske Unie je i pro CR relevantni. A kdyby relevantni zakon v CR (a praxe interpretace) byl jeste nedostatecny, tak prave poznatky zakonodarstvi a praxe jedne "vyspele" demokracie by mohly byt uzitecne pri pripadne novelizaci zakona(u) a praxe. A na konec: informovat majitele ochrane znamky UNIX jsem tez chtel navrhnout: ale Tomas Muller mne predstihl. Doufam ze o konsekvencich uslysime dale. S pozdravy, Herbert S. []
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