From: Milos Rysavy <rysavy@VAX.UJF.CAS.CZ>
Subject: bude cenzura?
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 13:03:22 +0200
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Tem, kteri to uz cetli, se velice omlouvam. Ostatni to mozna bude zajimat. ---------------> Newsgroups: news.announce.important Path:!!!!!!!!!news.sprintlin!!!emf.e From: (Martin Bruegel) Subject: Communications Decency Act of 1995 Message-ID: <3jgqij$> Originator: Sender: (Netnews Administration) Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Netaxs Internet BBS and Shell Accounts Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 14:14:39 GMT Approved: Lines: 63 You may have recently heard about the USA Communications Decency Act, currently proposed legislation in the US Senate (s.314) and in the House of Representatives (H.R.1004). The Bills seek to impose some kind of order on all telecommunications carriers, including the Internet, Usenet, and BBS systems, as well as voice telephone and cable television, by limiting the use / transfer of material considered to be "obscene", "lewd", "lascivious", "filthy", "indecent", or "harrassing". [International note: even though this is an American bill, this notice is being posted worldwide because of the effect it could have on Usenet worldwide. Reduced connectivity and fewer newsgroups in the USA affects everyone. Non-US petition responses will be counted separately. - MRH] The Bill was introduced in the Senate by Sen. James Exon (D-NE) on Feb. 2, 1995, and more recently in the House (Feb. 21, 1995) by Representative Timothy Johnson (D-SD). As it is currently written, many consider the Bill to be unacceptable. Not only can the authors of *offensive* material be held liable but service providers, on whose systems such information appears can also be held liable. As far as I know there is no distinction between public postings and *private e-mail* (i.e. service providers will effectively be forced to inspect personal e-mail for potentially offensive material.) Many argue that the cost and logistics of the above points will shutdown many service providers. WHERE CAN I LEARN MORE? The National Home Page for the Communications Decency Act may be reached at: The page contains the text of the bills, analysis, recent news articles concerning s.314 and h.r.1004 (latest AP release March 6), contact information for your representatives in D.C., information regarding an e-mail petition to stop the bill, and more. The text of the legislation may also be obtained from:, /pub/EFF/Legislation/Bills_new/s314.bill, 1/EFF/Legislation/Bills_new, s314.bill Usenet discussion of the bill is in newsgroup WHAT CAN I DO? There is an electronic mail petition. However, before sending in your electronic signature, I strongly urge you to familiarize yourself with the wording of the petition (see National Home Page above). Petition: Send a mail message to: Leave the subject heading blank. In the body of the text include the line: SIGNED <your I-Net address> <your real name> <Yes/No for US citizen> mine for example: SIGNED Martin Bruegel Yes Thanks for reading this! Martin Bruegel ---------------------< S pozdravem +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Milos Rysavy ;-) voice: (+42 2) 66412171 ;-( _ _ _ | | Nucl. Phys. Institute :-( (+42 2) 6858351 :-) / |/ |/ | | | 250 68 Rez near Prague ;-) fax: (+42 2) 6857003 ;-( | | | | | Czech Republic :-( email: :-) | | |_/. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Next Article (by Date): Re: Hl. spravce uzlu Internetu Petr Schauer
Previous Article (by Date): Re: Hl. spravce uzlu Internetu Jiri Kvarda
Next in Thread: Re: bude cenzura? Vladimir Vrabec
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