Subject: GNU Step
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 11:34:08 MET-2DST
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From: (L S Ng) Subject: LinuxSTEP, GNUSTEP, GNU OpenStep, NeXTSTEP Date: 20 Mar 1995 16:28:00 -0000 How do you stop Bill Gates from taking over the world? Perhaps only Linus Torvalds plus Steve Jobs can do that. We need an OS which can rival Windwos NT in terms of functionality and availability. We then need a GUI which is sexier than Windows and as easily available. Is plain Linux alone enough to do so? No, Linux hasn't got the sexy GUI Microsoft has. WINE - the Windows Emulator? Emulator can't be better than the original. We need NeXTSTEP - the GUI which is sexier than Windows. Can we have NeXTSTEP on Linux? Yes, with GNUSTEP or GNU OpenStep we can. Find out more from NeXTSTEP is an alternative to Windows. GNU OpenStep is the NeXTSTEP for the masses. A Chinese proverb goes 'to kill with a borrowed knife'. This is a game between the GNU Generation vs. Microsoft. Linux is a knife borrowed from the grand Unix tradition. NeXTSTEP, in the form of OpenStep, is another knife borrowed from Steve Jobs. Users of NeXTMail knew that email is perhaps the most important application in a GUI. The Mail program in Windows 95 is a real killer application. Only NeXTMail can be better. When Windows 95 is released, expect to see the abandonment of plain old Unix Mail in favour of Windows Mail. When this happen, other Unix users will realise how badly they need something like NeXTMail.
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