Re: Java aneb jak se uzivatel nebude divit

Subject: Re: Java aneb jak se uzivatel nebude divit
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 14:22:02 MET-2DST

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Dobry den,
   predem se omlouvam,ze tento prispevek dojde mozna nekomu dvakrat.
Stala se mi jedna velice zajimava vec.
Odpoved jsem posilal pres NEWS (
Ta se tam zdrzela tak pet minut a pak zmizela neznamo kam.
To bych chapal,ale proc tam pak zustlo par daleko starsich mailu ???
Proste zahada........
Zde jsou informace ziskane na adrese
About Java
Java(tm) is a simple, object-oriented, distributed, interpreted, robust,
secure, architecture-neutral, portable, high-performance,
multithreaded, dynamic, buzzword-compliant, general-purpose programming
language. Java supports programming for the Internet
in the form of platform-independent Java applets.
Robust and Secure
The Java language is designed for creating highly reliable software.
Emphasis is on extensive compile-time checking, and a second
level of run-time checking. Java language features guide programmers
into reliable programming habits. The Java memory
management model--basically, no pointers or pointer
arithmetic--eliminates entire classes of programming errors that bedevil C
and C++ programmers. You can develop Java code with confidence that the
system will find errors quickly and that major problems
won't slip out into production code.
The Java language was designed to operate in distributed environments.
With security features designed into the language and
run-time system, the Java language enables construction of tamper-free
programs. In the networked environment, Java programs
are secure from intrusion by unauthorized code attempting to get behind
the scenes and create viruses or invade file systems.
s pozdravem
   Petr Snajdr

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Previous Article (by Subject): Re: Java (Re: Virus G.t.) Petr Lampa
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