Re: WWWMail

From: Petr Schauer <petr@ISIBRNO.CZ>
Subject: Re: WWWMail
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 12:00:48 +0100

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> From: Matej Cepl <>
>        nevite, jestli existuje nejaky wwwmail -- mam na mysli
> nejaky server, kde bych mohl stahnout _binarni_ soubor, ktery je
> (unfortunately) dostupny pouze na www (neni nikde na ftp), .......
a v tele zpravy radek
Petr Schauer

Next Article (by Author): Re: Pine (was Re: Diakritika este raz) Petr Simek
Previous Article (by Author): ATARI Petr Schauer
Top of Thread: WWWMail Matej Cepl
Next in Thread: Re: WWWMail Martin Vystavil
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