Re: Can you help me ? (fwd)

From: Ricardo Gomez <ricgomez@UNIANDES.EDU.CO>
Subject: Re: Can you help me ? (fwd)
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 09:37:31 -0500

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>>I'm needing a fax number of the Skoda headquarters,
>>I do not know if you have this info but I will really appreciate any
>>help. Also if you can give me the address I'll be very gratefully.
>it depends which Skoda are you looking for. There are two Skodas in
>our country, you know.
>Skoda in Plzen (Pilsen) in Western Bohemia       - heavy industry
>Skoda Auto in Mlada Boleslav in Central Bohemia  - car maker
>Which one do you want?
>Best regards
In fact I need to contact the car maker. Thanks in advance
         (O) (O)
|Ricardo Gomez D                     Carrera 1 Este # 18A-70           |
|Centro de Investigacion de la       Santafe de Bogota, Colombia       |
|Facultad de Ingenieria, CIFI        Tels:   +57-1-3419595,57-1-3425103|
|Universidad de los Andes            Fax:    +57-1-2841890             |
|                                    e-mail:  |

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