Registration Form

From: David Smith <mailman@DJSA.COM>
Subject: Registration Form
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 10:44:24 EST

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This message is the only notice you will receive regarding
registering your Web Site in DJSA's Who's Who Guide - 1997.

Please complete the form below and email it back to us.

Send your email registration form to

Your Web Site will be included in the 1997 edition of the
Who's Who Guide published by DJSA Bulletin Board, Inc.

If you are not familiar with this Guide, You can review our
1996 publication at


Administrative Contact

0.   (N)ew (M)odify (D)elete.......:
1.   Organization Name.............:
2.   Street Address................:
3.   City..........................:
4.   State.........................:
5.   Postal Code...................:
6.   Country.......................:
7.   Name (Last, First)............:
8.   Telephone Number..............:
9.   E-Mail Address................:

Free Listing in the Who's Who Guide - 1997

1.   Your Company Name.............:
2.   E-Mail Address................:
3.   WWW Address...................:
4.   Telnet Address................:
5.   FTP Address...................:
6.   Modem Telephone Number........:
7.   Fax Telephone Number..........:
8.   Description (1 of 5)..........:
9.               (2 of 5)..........:
10.              (3 of 5)..........:
11.              (4 of 5)..........:
12.              (5 of 5)..........:

You will receive a confirmation via email as soon as your
listing has been reviewed. It will be placed in the Beta
Edition of the Guide which is now in the process of being
completed. You can check to see if your listing has been
included by visiting

We can also host your web site or set you up with a site
of your own. Our Web Blaster Utility allows you to create,
edit and maintain your own web site from DJSA Bulletin Board.
If you cannot telnet into our system, then use our Web
Utility, Web Site Manager. You'll be able to set up a Web
Site from our WWW Home Page.

Thank you for your support.

DJSA Bulletin Board, Inc.   - Web Site Manager/Web Blaster
telnet://     - DJSA Bulletin Board

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Previous Article (by Author): Instalacni program pro Windows David Macek
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