Date:         Tue, 3 Feb 1998 16:03:16 MET+0100DST
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         "J.Kastl / E-mail /" 
Subject:      Re: Cestina

> > Web provozuji na IIS3. Stranky jsem vytvarel ve Word 97. Vse bylo v
> > poradku az do doby, nez jsem nainstaloval a odinstaloval Front Page 98 demo.
> > Od te chvile vsechny nove vytvorene www stranky maji spravne cestinu jenom
> > pri prohlizeni MSIE3, pokud pouziji MSIE4 nebo Netscape Communicator, tak je
> > cestina zpitvorena. Nevite nekdo, kde je problem? Word 97 jsem uz zkousel
> > preinstalovat.
> Word cestinu proste z* (dosadte libovolne sproste slovo). Existuji na to
> opravovadla, odkazy na ne jsou na
   Na to si asi budeme muset zvyknout vsude.
   Ja treba vcera vecer vidim, ze misto pismen s hacky mam jenom mezery.
   To asi zase mam implictne ISO-Latin-1, rikam si a hledam, zda by to
   slo nejak zmenit. Neslo, protoze az za chvili mi doslo, ze ted nectu
   WWW-stranku ale noviny. V deniku Metro takhle meli vytistenou celou
   stranku. - Ja vim, je to zadarmo, ale hlavne ze meli krasne a v barve
   vyvedene grafy a obrazky.
                                    Se srdecnym pozdravem

Date:         Tue, 3 Feb 1998 18:36:36 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Petr Simek 
Subject:      Re: Cestina
In-Reply-To:  <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Tue, 3 Feb 1998, J.Kastl / E-mail / wrote:

>    Na to si asi budeme muset zvyknout vsude.
>    Ja treba vcera vecer vidim, ze misto pismen s hacky mam jenom mezery.
>    To asi zase mam implictne ISO-Latin-1, rikam si a hledam, zda by to
>    slo nejak zmenit. Neslo, protoze az za chvili mi doslo, ze ted nectu
>    WWW-stranku ale noviny. V deniku Metro takhle meli vytistenou celou
>    stranku. - Ja vim, je to zadarmo, ale hlavne ze meli krasne a v barve
>    vyvedene grafy a obrazky.

Nekdy to muze byt blbe oznacenou WWW strankou. Pokud je tam nastaven font
kterym se to ma prohlizet - napriklad Courier New . Ja mam WNT a NN 3.04
a ten nejak nespolupracuje se sytemovymi fonty. Takze jsem si doinstaloval
fonty z W3.11 - CE fonty. Nastavil jsem je v NN jako default. Obvykle to
funguje, ale kdyz je nekde na strance napsano ze se ma zobrazit s fontem
Times New Roman - tak se pouzije ten a nikoliv Times New Roman CE ktery
mam nastaven v Netscape - takze mam smulu, cestinu nevidim. Vymazat Times
New Roman ze systemu taky nemuzu :-)

>                                     Se srdecnym pozdravem
>                                                                J.Kastl

S pozdravem

|                          Petr Simek   APS JU                           |
|                                                 |

Date:         Wed, 4 Feb 1998 13:13:27 +0000
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Comments:     Authenticated sender is 
From:         Jan Vejvalka 
Subject:      Prednaska o informatice genomu
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT

Ustav klinicke a aplikovane informatiky 2.LF UK
si dovoluje Vas pozvat na prednasku

"Systematicke studium lidskeho genomu a proteomu
   - o genech, proteinech a pocitacich"

Dr. Oty Rittera
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY,
&  Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg.

Prednaska bude prednesena v cestine dne 12. unora 1998
(ctvrtek) ve 14.30 v male leve poslucharne 2. lekarske
fakulty UK, V uvalu 84, Praha 5 (metro Andel, pak bus
167, stanice Detska nemocnice).

- prehled dnesniho stavu svetove iniciativy mapovani a sekvenovani
genomu cloveka a modelovych organismu
- nastup nove vlny studia 3D struktur, funkci a interakci

Po prednasce bude nasledovat diskuse.


Dr. Jan Vejvalka
Inst. of Clinical and Applied Informatics, Head
2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University
V uvalu 84                                      fax: +420 2 2443 5820
150 18  Praha 5                               voice: +420 2 2443 1006
Czech Republic                 internet:

** Knowledge is nothing if not shared ...  (LE07144@UKANVM.BITNET) **

Date:         Thu, 5 Feb 1998 12:42:20 +0000
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Comments:     Authenticated sender is 
From:         Jan Vejvalka 
Subject:      Computers in Medicine
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT

Dobry den,

              dovoluji si Vas upozornit na mezinarodni symposium
Computers in Medicine, ktere se kona ve dnech 10.-12. unora
v Praze.
Dalsi informace viz .

Jan Vejvalka

Date:         Fri, 6 Feb 1998 19:06:25 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         mdci@VEGAS.INFI.NET
Subject:      YOUR FUTURE
X-To:         nobody@mdc-017.CZ

Hi there,

You have expressed an interest in financial markets, did you know that the original name of Bank of
America was the Bank of Italy? Would you be interested in a financial site that not only has all the quotes
and news, but entertaining information you won't find anywhere else on the net?

Would you like to learn the history of Wall Street?, save on brokerage commissions?  This multi-award
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featured as a top financial website on the YAHOO search engine.  It has received over 10 million hits since
it's inception.  We must be doing something right!  It could also be the fact that our stock recommendations
have soared once received by members in the StockUp e-mail network.  To be a member you must just
register, no charge and no catch.

If you are interested in learning more about investing in layman's terms as well as exploring the lighter side
of Wall Street, please reply to this message and replace "YOUR FUTURE" in the subject line with "YES".
If you would rather not receive this FREE offer, or any others please replace "YOUR FUTURE" in the
subject line with "REMOVE", and you will be taken off the list.

Thank you for your time.

Date:         Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:08:27 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Student4 
Subject:      Re: Site
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

> ----------
> From:         Matej Cepl[SMTP:MatejC@FPM.CZ] on behalf of Matěj
> Cepl[SMTP:MatejC@FPM.CZ]
> Sent:         12. ledna 1998 11:17
> To:   Multiple recipients of list CSINFO-L
> Subject:      Site
> Dobry den,
> chtel jsem se zeptat: dostal jsem spolu s notebookem (Compaq Contura
> AERO) z druhe ruky XIRCOM Credit Card Ethernet adapter a snazim se to
> nainstalovat (jednak na Novella u tchana ve firme a jednak poruznu na
> Windows NT resp. Win95, proste Windows Network; oboje by melo byt s
> Wfw
> na klientské straně).
> Pomoci ftpmailu jsem si stahnul prislusne ovladace z a
> pomoci nich, prirucky k te karte a pomoci Bozi (mineno vazne) se mi
> povedlo dostat se pomoci squadry LSL/CEDOI/IPXODI/NETX na Novelí
> server
> (s druhým notebookem, Halikan tusim, ze 486SX/4MB RAM) jsem neuspel
> ani
> v tom. Chtel bych ale rozjet MS Windows Network (v praci mame WinNT
> 4.0CZ a preci jenom 32-tibitové drivery ve Win311 me lakaji).
> Problem je v tom, ze jsem naprosty amater, co se tyce siti (mensich
> nez
> Internet) a potreboval bych vzdelat. Kdesi (...) jsem ziskal
> instalacky
> od Windows for Workgroups (ten notebook neni na Win95), ale
> pochopitelne
> bez manualu. Potreboval bych co nejvice informaci o sitich, Windows
> for
> Workgroups, PCMCIA kartach XIRCOM, co to je NDIS, ODI, zdali je treba
> pouzit nejaky specificky protokol na propojeni po Windows Network nebo
> se ty kramy nejak domluvi (jestli treba musim instalovat TCP/IP nebo
> co), atd. atp. Pochopitelne, ze bych preferoval informace zadarmo (tj.
> ruzne po Internetu), je mi uplne jedno jestli budou cesky nebo
> anglicky.
> Dekuji moc za jakoukoli pomoc.
>                                         Matej Cepl

Date:         Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:13:21 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Michal Kratky 
Subject:      DHCPDISCOVER
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Mili kolegove,

na nasi lokalni siti mame nejake ty majitele NT serveru, kteri
nepretrzite vysilaji broadcast typu DHCPDISCOVER s jakousi nesmyslnou
hardwarovou adresou, napr.

DHCP: Client hardware address (chaddr) = 52:41:53:20:00:A1

Skutecna adresa pocitace je samozrejme uplne jina, dejme tomu

ETHER:  Source      = 0:20:af:c0:e3:53

Nevedel by nekdo co je to za jev ? Puvodce nevi nic, koupil si to
za svoje penize a chce to provozovat.

Dekuji za rady

                Michal Kratky

Date:         Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:36:46 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         dmacek@EXPANDIA.COM
Subject:      Format Wordu
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

  Zdravim vsechny,
muj dotaz je velmi strucny. Muzete mi nekdo poradit, kde se da
sehnat popis formatu Wordu nejlepe vs 7?


          David Macek

BTW: Odpovedi prosim na

Date:         Thu, 12 Feb 1998 09:03:40 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Peter Kundrat 
Subject:      Re: DHCPDISCOVER
In-Reply-To:  ; from
              Michal Kratky on Wed, Feb 11, 1998 at 03:13:21PM +0100
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dobry den,

On Wed, Feb 11, 1998 at 03:13:21PM +0100, Michal Kratky wrote:
> na nasi lokalni siti mame nejake ty majitele NT serveru, kteri
> nepretrzite vysilaji broadcast typu DHCPDISCOVER s jakousi nesmyslnou
> hardwarovou adresou, napr.
> DHCP: Client hardware address (chaddr) = 52:41:53:20:00:A1

U mna ta adresa ma 16 oktetov. Tieto pakety pochadzaju (aspon u mna)
pri ziskavani IP adresy pre RAS (na zdrojovej masine bezi RAS dialin port).
Ta adresa sa navyse obmiena, ale neskumal som to podrobnejsie.

V microsoft knowledge base Q172956 sa pise ako vypnut DHCP pre RAS.

                S pozdravom,


Date:         Fri, 13 Feb 1998 07:23:04 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         pokorny 
Subject:      Porovnani obsahu adresaru
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

        Pri vypalovani CD jsem narazil na problem, jak porovnat obsah vypaleneho CD s obsahem adresare, odkud jsem vypaloval. Jsem si vedom, ze porovnani bit po bitu bude trvat i hodiny.
        Je mozne pouzit prikaz FC z DOS, ale ten neumi stromovou strukturu, jenom umi porovnat soubory v jednom adresari s jinym adresarem, ale bez podadresaru.
        Manazer M602 zase umi porovnavat pouze obsahy disket, coz je stejne jako prikaz DISKCOMP z DOS.
        Napada vas neco?l
>>> Usually with modem Your Pavel Pokorny

Date:         Fri, 13 Feb 1998 10:25:19 MET-1EET
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Petr Kolar 
Organization: Technical University of Liberec
Subject:      Re: Porovnani obsahu adresaru

On 13 Feb 98 at 7:23, pokorny  wrote:
>         Pri vypalovani CD jsem narazil na problem, jak porovnat obsah vypaleneho CD s obsahem adresare, odkud jsem vypaloval. Jsem si vedom, ze porovnani bit po bitu bude trvat i hodiny.
>         Je mozne pouzit prikaz FC z DOS, ale ten neumi stromovou strukturu, jenom umi porovnat soubory v jednom adresari s jinym adresarem, ale bez podadresaru.
>         Manazer M602 zase umi porovnavat pouze obsahy disket, coz je stejne jako prikaz DISKCOMP z DOS.
>         Napada vas neco?l
> >>> Usually with modem Your Pavel Pokorny

   Zkuste pouzit

diff -r c:\priprava d:

Ale odkud jsem stahl ten pravy diff? Snad

- funguje i pod DOSem. Tusim, ze diff z

mel nejake problemy s vetsimi objemy dat.

                                                     S pozdravem
                         ***  Petr Kolar  ***
Department of Information Technologies, Technical University of Liberec
            Voronezska 1329, 461 17 Liberec, Czech Republic
            Phone: +420-48-5352-371   Fax: +420-48-5352-229

Date:         Fri, 13 Feb 1998 12:48:16 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Pavel Kudrna 
Organization: MFF-UK Praha, Plasma Phys. Grp.
Subject:      Re: Porovnani obsahu adresaru
In-Reply-To:  <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

>         Pri vypalovani CD jsem narazil na problem, jak porovnat obsah vypaleneho CD s obsahem adresare, odkud jsem vypaloval. Jsem si vedom, ze porovnani bit po bitu bude trvat i hodiny.
>         Je mozne pouzit prikaz FC z DOS, ale ten neumi stromovou strukturu, jenom umi porovnat soubory v jednom adresari s jinym adresarem, ale bez podadresaru.
>         Manazer M602 zase umi porovnavat pouze obsahy disket, coz je stejne jako prikaz DISKCOMP z DOS.
>         Napada vas neco?l
> >>> Usually with modem Your Pavel Pokorny

Program WinDiff to umi. Je v NT Resource kitu nebo v Visual C++ 4.0 a mozna i jinde.

S pozdravem

V Holesovickach 2
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
tel. (02) 2191 2733

Date:         Fri, 13 Feb 1998 14:28:48 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Dan Lukes 
Organization: FIO a.s., Senovazne nam. 24, Praha
Subject:      Re: DHCPDISCOVER
MIME-Version:  1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

On 12 Feb 98 at 9:03, Peter Kundrat wrote:

> > nepretrzite vysilaji broadcast typu DHCPDISCOVER s jakousi nesmyslnou
> > hardwarovou adresou, napr.
> >
> > DHCP: Client hardware address (chaddr) = 52:41:53:20:00:A1

> U mna ta adresa ma 16 oktetov. Tieto pakety pochadzaju (aspon u mna)
> pri ziskavani IP adresy pre RAS (na zdrojovej masine bezi RAS dialin port).

  K tomu uz jen jedine: 52:41:53:20:00:A1 = 'R':'A':'S':' ':00:A1
  Takze to ten RAS opravdu bude ...


Dan Lukes (FIO holding, a.s.) tel: +420 2 24102204, fax: ...301
root,   webmaster,   postmaster   and   othermaster  of  FIONet

Date:         Fri, 13 Feb 1998 13:57:07 -0800
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         guesswww@AOL.COM
Subject:      Action Advisory Notice
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN charset=US-ASCII


Hi there,

It's our understanding that you have an interest in stocks and the stock market,
therefore; I know that you can appreciate the following information.  Stocks
go up based on perception and recognition, our job is to find young, and
emerging company's not yet recognized by the market.  Once found, these
company's are featured to our subscribers first and then the public.  Our
recognition program includes constant communication with stock brokers,
conference calls, featured on our web site, and showcased in our e-mail
network system.

Our PR firm has, after building an extensive Investor Resource Center,
highlighted some quality stocks, and all of our hard work is now paying off.
We have had some great success with our recent stock picks, which has
created a loyal following, and now we are ready to announce our newest
stock pick.  This is your opportunity to now get involved at the ground floor.
Next week we will be highlighting a new and exciting company.  You will have
the opportunity to get involved with this company prior to our promotional
campaign, which is geared towards the general public.  This can be of
substantial benefit to you.  This is a technology company with some very
exciting recent developments.  The beauty about technological companies is
that they tend to trade at very high P/E multiples, so the stock upside can be
quite substantial.

We have had some tremendous winners recently.  Our most recent pick , Saf
T Lok NASDAQ Symbol (LOCK) is up 100%, in just two months.  We
expect this company's stock to move up even more as they implement their
business plan.  You can look forward to receiving the information on this new
company over the coming weekend.  We will be featuring this company to all
of our Broker Network and extensive e-mail database, don't let this new
technology company get away.  Remember the stock market is closed on
Monday, so we suggest you act first thing Tuesday morning before the
positive upward activity of this stock happens.  Remember you got this
information first, so act fast and take advantage of it.  Talk to you in a couple
of days.

Date:         Sat, 14 Feb 1998 00:58:12 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         "Ing. Pavel Vrecion" 
Subject:      Re: Action Advisory Notice

 > 2/13/98
> Hi there,
> It's our understanding that you have an interest in stocks and the
stock market,
> therefore; I know that you can appreciate the following information.
> go up based on perception and recognition, our job is to find young,
> emerging company's not yet recognized by the market.  Once found,
> company's are featured to our subscribers first and then the public.
> recognition program includes constant communication with stock
> conference calls, featured on our web site, and showcased in our
> network system.
> Our PR firm has, after building an extensive Investor Resource
> highlighted some quality stocks, and all of our hard work is now
paying off.
> We have had some great success with our recent stock picks, which
> created a loyal following, and now we are ready to announce our
> stock pick.  This is your opportunity to now get involved at the
ground floor.
> Next week we will be highlighting a new and exciting company.  You
will have
> the opportunity to get involved with this company prior to our
> campaign, which is geared towards the general public.  This can be
> substantial benefit to you.  This is a technology company with some
> exciting recent developments.  The beauty about technological
companies is
> that they tend to trade at very high P/E multiples, so the stock
upside can be
> quite substantial.
> We have had some tremendous winners recently.  Our most recent pick
, Saf
> T Lok NASDAQ Symbol (LOCK) is up 100%, in just two months.  We
> expect this company's stock to move up even more as they implement
> business plan.  You can look forward to receiving the information on
this new
> company over the coming weekend.  We will be featuring this company
to all
> of our Broker Network and extensive e-mail database, don't let this
> technology company get away.  Remember the stock market is closed on
> Monday, so we suggest you act first thing Tuesday morning before the
> positive upward activity of this stock happens.  Remember you got
> information first, so act fast and take advantage of it.  Talk to
you in a couple
> of days.

Unsolicited mail!!!!!


Date:         Sat, 14 Feb 1998 17:30:52 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Pavel Behal 
Organization: OPF SU Karvina
Subject:      Re: Action Advisory Notice
In-Reply-To:  <002O9UV1PUBL1I@KIS.CZ>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Muzu se teda zeptat, proc ho posilate podruhe? Me stacil jednou.
Priste ho, prosim, oriznete, napr. viz nize. Dekuji.

On 14 Feb 98 at 0:58, Ing. Pavel Vrecion wrote:

>  > 2/13/98
> >
> > Hi there,
---- cut
> > of days.
> >
> Unsolicited mail!!!!!
>   Vrecion

Pavel Behal, CNA
Network Administrator

Date:         Mon, 16 Feb 1998 09:36:55 -0800
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Ales Bukovsky 
Subject:      Re: Action Advisory Notice
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ing. Pavel Vrecion wrote:
> Unsolicited mail!!!!!
>   Vrecion

Super, ale proc ho potom kopirujete znovu do sve odpovedi...?

-Ales Bukovsky-

Date:         Fri, 13 Feb 1998 18:22:29 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Lukas Mizoch 
Organization: SPSCH akademika Heyrovskeho
Subject:      Zakomponovani EXE do jineho EXE
MIME-Version:  1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Dobry den.
Potreboval bych poradit, zdali by neslo zakomponovat urcity EXE
soubor do jineho EXE souboru.
Konkretne se jedna o to, abych mel dva programy: MAIN.EXE a VEDL.EXE.
MAIN by v sobe obsahoval VEDL, ktery by ale spustil jenom pri splneni
urcite podminky.
Myslite, ze je to nejak realizovatelne?

| Lukas Mizoch, student   ( |
| Science Faculty, The University of Ostrava |
|                   |
|                |
| I'm using ISO-8859-2 friendly mail client. |

Date:         Wed, 18 Feb 1998 18:22:44 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Martin Vesely 
Subject:      Rustina pro Windows...
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Dobry den, Vazeni pratele,

nechci Vas zbytecne zdrzovat tzv. "reklamnim" e-mailem, ale v posledni
dobe hodne
lidi potrebuje psat ruske texty "ceskou" fonetickou klavesnici ve
Windows. Vytvoril
jsem potrebny software a pripravil prezentaci na toto tema na Internetu.
Pokud mate
zajem, muzete se obratit na, kde
najdete vice...

S pozdravem,

Martin Vesely

P.S.: Pokud jsem Vas zdrzel nebo Vas toto tema nezajima, pak se velice
Kotlarska 27,  602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Mobile:  + 420 602 711714                         Fax:  + 420 5 752644

Date:         Wed, 18 Feb 1998 19:18:39 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Michal Kratky 
Subject:      Re: Rustina pro Windows...
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-2
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

On Wed, 18 Feb 1998, Martin Vesely wrote:

> P.S.: Pokud jsem Vas zdrzel nebo Vas toto tema nezajima, pak se velice
> omlouvam...

        ň i č e v ó

Date:         Thu, 19 Feb 1998 09:18:33 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Petr Nachtmann 
Subject:      Re: Rustina pro Windows...
X-To:         Michal Kratky 
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-2
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>         ň i č e v ó


Date:         Sun, 22 Feb 1998 00:26:47 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         subscription@FNCLNWSLTR.COM
Subject:      Yours Free!
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Welcome to the Nation’s #1 Financial Newsletter !

Today, the Internet’s premier resource for investors launches an exciting new service, the
Nation’s #1 Financial Newsletter E-mail Program, your source for investment news that’s
ahead of the pack.

We welcome all to a service that will make a difference for you.  The Nation’s #1
Financial Newsletter E-mail Program combines the speed of e-mail with promising
investment opportunities to give you a head start on the investment community.  Each
time we discover a promising new stock for you to invest in, you will receive an Action
Advisory E-mail loaded with information on the company and insight into why you
should consider adding the stock to your portfolio.  The best part is that you get the notice
at least 24 hours before we send it to the 5000+ stockbrokers, 1500+ market analysts, and
1200+ small cap fund managers in our database and post it to our website.  Take notice:
You get this investment information after the market close and before it opens the next
day and *always* 24 hours before our database of market professionals.

WHAT WE LOOK FOR.  The Nation’s #1 Financial Newsletter E-mail Program only
profiles companies that satisfy some pretty rigid and demanding requirements.  Not just
any stock qualifies for the E-mail Program.  Our picks are restricted to companies that
exhibit the potential for huge short-term gains and serious long-term growth.
Consequently, we look for companies that satisfy all of our Top Ten Prerequisites:

10.  The company must be well into its startup stage and relatively unknown.  In other
words, the less others know, the farther you’ll be ahead.
9.  The company’s product must be important, unique, and ready for market.  That kind of
product at that stage offers you, the informed investor, tremendous potential.
8.  This important and unique product must serve a large, even worldwide, market.  The
larger the market, the more sales, and therefore, the greater return for you.
7.  The company must have exceptional and experienced management.  More companies
fail for lack of good management than for any other reason.
6.  Major U.S. corporations must be very interested in the company’s product.  Such
interest would include purchase orders, development partnerships, and investment, among
other things.
5.  The company must be well financed.
4.  The company must be current with all required SEC filings.  No exceptions.
3.  The company must be regularly newsworthy.  We want to see news releases at least
every two weeks.
2.  The company must compete in a rapidly growing industry.  An exploding market in a
growing industry means superior upside potential for you.
1. Projected revenues must grow exponentially in the first year.

The stocks we profile and present to you via the E-mail Program, will be solid investment
opportunities that we feel could double or triple in price over the next four to twelve
months.  *You should see almost immediate appreciation in the profiled stock because of
the tremendous exposure we give it to the investment community, so if you’re going to
get in, get it early.*  Check your e-mail regularly to take advantage of these exciting
investment opportunities.

OUR TRACK RECORD.  Though this is your first Action Advisory E-mail, we have
profiled a number of stocks on the website.  Let’s see how we’ve done in the past before
we give our first pick of the future.

American Eco Corporation (NASDAQ: ECGOF) - Hit our website at $8.00 in first
quarter of 1997.  Traded at its high of $14.50 in the third quarter 1997.  A gain of 81%.

InnovaCom Corporation (OTC: MPEG) - Hit the website at  $.75 cents in early summer
1996.  Traded at its high of $9.00 in October 1996.  A gain of 1,100 %.

Labor Ready (NASDAQ: LBOR) - Hit the website at $6.00 in the spring of 1997.  Traded
at $26.00 in early February 1998.  A gain of  333%.

SAF T LOK (NASDAQ: LOCK) - Hit the website at $2.25 in January 1998.  Traded at
$5.25 within one month.  A gain of 133%.

Tomorrow’s Morning (NASDAQ: TOMM) - Hit the website at $2.20.  Traded at $6.12 in
the fall of 1997.  A gain of  178%.

Each of these stocks was fundamentally sound when we first profiled them.  *Still,
because of the tremendous amount of instantaneous exposure we gave these stocks to our
database of investment professionals, each stock experienced a significant and early
increase in share price.*

The Nation’s #1 Financial Newsletter ’s First Stock Pick of 1998

We are determined to continue our record of success.  As often as we discover a great
stock, you’ll be the first to hear about what we’ve found.  And what we’ve found is
SLIC/SLICW).  This company met every one of our Top Ten Prerequisites.

THE INDUSTRY.  What makes Semiconductor Laser International Corporation (SLIC)
stand out as an investment opportunity is the industry it’s in and the product it offers.
Take a look at what experts say about the future of the laser diode industry.  Worldwide
demand for highpower semiconductor diode lasers (HPDL) is expected to grow from
approximately $350 million today to over $1 billion in just three years.  That’s a
compound growth rate of almost 42% a year.  Where will that growth take place?  In the
automotive and jet engine industries, where lasers are used in precision machining
applications.  From the dental and medical professions to the telecommunications
industry to printing and military applications, the market for HPDLs continues to expand.

It gets better.  Demand for SLIC’s laser technology in the optical data storage/DVD
marketplace is projected to grow from just $80 million today to over $4 billion by 2001.
That’s an increase of $268% a year.  You know what DVD is, don’t you?  It’s the
technology that’s supposed to replace the CD.  It’s what cassette tapes were to reel-to-reel
tape, and what CD’s were to record albums.  DVD--which holds eight times more
information than a CD--may eventually replace video tape.  That’s right.  Instead of
recording family reunions on video tape, you may be doing it on DVD.  Instead of
picking up a couple of movie videos at the local Blockbuster, you’ll be picking up movie

Movie Critic, Roger Ebert, reported that At this year’s (1997) winter Consumer
Electronics Show industry policy makers observed that DVD in its first year is off to a
faster start than audio CDs were--or VCRs themselves, for that matter.  Sales and
available titles are far ahead of expectations, and holdout studios like Fox are jumping on
the bandwagon.

THE COMPANY (NASDAQ: SLIC).  The laser diode marketplace is set to explode and
SLIC is ready to capitalize on the explosion.  SLIC recently finished a new, state-of-the-
art 15,000 square foot manufacturing facility that includes a 4,500 square foot, class 1000
clean room.  SLIC then filled the building with over $5 million of state-of-the-art
equipment.  Phase I and Phase II building projects, for a total of an additional 45,000
square feet, are already on the planning board.  SLIC’s patented HPDLs are in
production.  And most importantly, its products have been approved for bidding.  This
means that SLIC can participate in any and all bids to provide HPDLs  to companies that
use diode lasers as part of their own products.  SLIC’s foot is in the big door that opens
on a huge marketplace.

SLIC’s products are so unique they’re patented.  First, SLIC owns the exclusive license
to develop, manufacture, market, and sell Aluminum-free high power semiconductor
lasers worldwide.  This cutting edge technology was developed by Dr. Manijeh Razeghi
and owned by the Northwestern University Center for Quantum Devices.  The technology
is revolutionary in that it dramatically increases both the power and lifetime of lasers.
When we say dramatically, we mean on the order of ten times more than competing
technologies.  Under the same conditions, regular lasers last several thousand hours.
Aluminum-free lasers have achieved 35,000 hours of continuous operation.

SLIC also owns the exclusive licenses to two other significant and patented laser
technologies.  The first is the Buried-Ridge Laser Device, also developed by Dr. Razeghi
and owned by Northwestern.  The device will allow SLIC to produce the better laser
beam quality important to the DVD marketplace.  SLIC also has an exclusive license
from the United States Air Force that significantly improves the manufacturing process of
HPDLs, thus lowering costs and increasing wafer uniformity.

The long and short of SLIC is that because of its exclusive licenses to important laser
technology, it will be able to not only produce longer lasting and higher powered laser
diodes, it can produce them at a much lower cost.  You remember the old saying, Build a
better mousetrap, and they’ll beat down your door.  SLIC has improved on that too.
They build a better laser diode.  Watch that door.

THE MANAGEMENT.  Product without management is not enough.  SLIC knows this
and started at the top with an exceptional and experienced CEO/President.  Dr. Geoffrey
T. Burnham is the reason SLIC is where it is today, poised to explode.  An energetic
visionary, he has a long history in the laser industry.  He was President and a Director of
Northeast Semiconductor from October 1991 to May 1993, just prior to joining SLIC.
Before that he held management positions with Hercules Aerospace, General Optronics
Corporation, and General Electric.  In fact, he founded and directed General Electric’s
Laser Business Venture for five years.  Dr. Burnham knows lasers and understands their

Dr. Burnham has led SLIC to form business partnerships and relationships with a variety
of highly respected and renowned companies and organizations in addition to
Northwestern University and the U.S. Air Force.  Among others, SLIC works with the
Rome and Phillips Laboratories and participates as an Associate Member of the Precision
Laser Machining Consortium, funded by the Department of Defense.  Some other
members include such well-known names as GE, Fibertek, General Motors, TRW,
Hughes Aircraft, and Northrop Corporation.

THE OPPORTUNITY.  We believe that SLIC presents tremendous upside potential for
the knowledgeable investor.  After a careful and lengthy startup, the company’s product
is in production.  More important, the product has been accepted by the industry as a bid
quality product and is already negotiating orders with six Fortune 500 Companies.  *Take
Notice:  Being approved as a bid quality product is no easy feat.  It's foot is already in the
door of six Fortune 500 Companies.  Once their first orders are entered, they are sure to
continue.*  To be prepared for the expected influx of new business, SLIC in finalizing a
multi-million dollar bond to finance the Phase I and II expansion discussed above.  Now
consider this:  During startup, SLIC has been operating at a loss of around $1.50 a share.
Now the orders come in and sales begin.  In an industry where stocks trade at 40 times
earnings, the prospects for this stock are tantalizing.  It currently trades in the $1.50 to
$1.75 range.  We see an immediate opportunity for short-term gains because of SLIC’s
potential sales and this 24-hour advance notice.  The time to buy is before the orders
come in. Then you can sit back and watch this stock on NASDAQ (Ticker: SLIC).  You
can order an investor’s packet from SLIC by calling 1-607-722-3800.

DISCLAIMER.  The Nation’s #1 Financial Newsletter  E-mail Program is owned an
operated by MDC.  We are committed to providing you with timely and factual
information on investment opportunities in companies we feel have solid growth
potential.  We recognize, and so should you, that any investment represents a risk of
capital.  Therefore, you should investigate thoroughly before investing.  All statements
contained in this report are the opinion of MDC and were obtained from materials
furnished by the profiled company that may include company financial reports, SEC
filings, and interviews with company officers.  Though we feel this information is factual
and reliable, we do not represent or guarantee its accuracy nor do we guarantee the
accuracy of any statement made in this report.  The editor of this report, members of the
editor’s family, and employees of any affiliated companies may own stock in or have
financial dealings with the companies reviewed in this report.  Nation’s #1 Financial
Newsletter  and/or its affiliates act as consultants to the companies reviewed herein and
receive compensation for their public relation services. Investing in the stock market, by
its very nature, is highly speculative.

Date:         Mon, 23 Feb 1998 08:30:04 +0000
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Milos Rysavy 
Organization: Nucl. Phys. Institute, Czech Acad. Sci., Rez near Prague
Subject:      Re: Yours Free!
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subscription@FNCLNWSLTR.COM wrote:
> 2/21/98
> Welcome to the Nation’s #1 Financial Newsletter !
Nemohl by, prosim, dat spravce konference vyse uvedenou adresu (a
i jine, ktere delaji podobne veci, na kill-list?
S pozdravem
| Milos Rysavy          ;-)  voice: (+420 2) 66173170  ;-(  _  _  _    |
| Nucl. Phys. Institute :-(         (+420 2) 66172652  :-) / |/ |/ |   |
| 250 68 Rez nr. Prague :*)  fax:   (+420 2) 6857003   ;-(   |  |  |   |
| Czech Republic        :-(  email:  :-)   |  |  |_/.|

Date:         Mon, 23 Feb 1998 13:37:12 -0800
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Ales Bukovsky 
Subject:      Netscape Mirror
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neporadi mi nekdo, kde najit v CZ mirror FTP serveru s novymi produkty
Netscapu ke stazeni...

Predem diky.

-Ales Bukovsky-

Date:         Mon, 23 Feb 1998 14:14:10 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Petr Nachtmann 
Subject:      Re: Netscape Mirror
X-To:         Ales Bukovsky 
In-Reply-To:  <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

> neporadi mi nekdo, kde najit v CZ mirror FTP serveru s novymi produkty
> Netscapu ke stazeni...



Date:         Mon, 23 Feb 1998 14:56:55 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Jan Ilavsky 
Subject:      Re: Netscape Mirror
In-Reply-To:  <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 13:37 23.2.1998 -0800, you wrote:
>neporadi mi nekdo, kde najit v CZ mirror FTP serveru s novymi produkty
>Netscapu ke stazeni...
>Predem diky.
>-Ales Bukovsky-

Date:         Mon, 23 Feb 1998 15:45:20 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Petr Simek 
Subject:      Re: Netscape Mirror
In-Reply-To:  <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Ales Bukovsky wrote:

> Zdravim,
> neporadi mi nekdo, kde najit v CZ mirror FTP serveru s novymi produkty
> Netscapu ke stazeni...

Coz treba :

> Predem diky.
> -Ales Bukovsky-

|                          Petr Simek   APS JU                           |
|                                                 |

Date:         Mon, 23 Feb 1998 16:03:23 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Michal Kratky 
Subject:      Re: Netscape Mirror
In-Reply-To:  <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Ales Bukovsky wrote:

> Zdravim,
> neporadi mi nekdo, kde najit v CZ mirror FTP serveru s novymi produkty
> Netscapu ke stazeni...

Zkuste to na Matfysu

                Michal Kratky

Date:         Mon, 23 Feb 1998 16:10:29 -0800
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Ales Bukovsky 
Subject:      Re: Netscape Mirror
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

DIKY VSEM, na  uz jsem nasel, co jsem hledal...

PS: Infima nelinkuje na mirror, ale primo na server Netscapu.

-Ales Bukovsky-

Date:         Mon, 23 Feb 1998 01:57:30 -0700
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         ptrudeau@EROLS.COM
Organization: Erol's Internet Services
Subject:      -= Resident Evil 2 for sale, $20! or b/o Tobal 2 $20 or b/o-=

Resident Evil 2 for sale, Gold CD-R verison!
$20 or best offer. COD available, but extra.
For details and inquiries email

Tobal 2 for sale, gold CD-R version!
$20 or best offer. COD available, but extra.
For details and inquiries email


Date:         Mon, 23 Feb 1998 16:43:54 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Petr Nachtmann 
Subject:      Re: Netscape Mirror
In-Reply-To:  <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

> PS: Infima nelinkuje na mirror, ale primo na server Netscapu.

Take je obecne mozno pouzit, a


Date:         Tue, 24 Feb 1998 21:52:22 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Hynek Med 
Organization: Prague University of Economics
Subject:      Re: Netscape Mirror
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On 23 Feb 1998, Petr Nachtmann wrote:

> > neporadi mi nekdo, kde najit v CZ mirror FTP serveru s novymi produkty
> > Netscapu ke stazeni...
> Infima?

Haha, Infima ze by byla schopna delat mirror ftp serveru? Nebudte naivni.
Jinak mirror je taky na nebo


Hynek Med,

Date:         Fri, 27 Feb 1998 12:37:46 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Michal Matula 
Organization: Czech Technical University
Subject: - reklama na Internetu ZDARMA je česko-slovenský systém umožňující reklamu vašich WWW
stránek, služeb, výrobků či zboží pomocí reklamních plakátů (bannerů) a to
zcela ZDARMA. Navíc získáváte možnost cílení vaší reklamy, přístup ke
statistikám o četnosti návštěv vašich stránek a úspěšnosti vaší reklamy (za
posledních 31 dní!!!).

Více se dozvíte na adrese

Date:         Fri, 27 Feb 1998 16:01:34 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         Petr Nachtmann 
Subject:      Re: - reklama na Internetu ZDARMA
X-To:         Michal Matula 
In-Reply-To:  <6d68j3$j7f$>
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> zcela ZDARMA. Navíc získáváte možnost cílení vaší reklamy, přístup ke
> statistikám o četnosti návštěv vašich stránek a úspěšnosti vaší reklamy (za
> posledních 31 dní!!!).

1) Je to zrejme velmi sikovna sluzba.
2) Nebyla ale Vase zprava spam?
3) Jestlize ne, nepatrila spis jinam (,
4) Psat do konference s diakritikou neni idealni. Podivejte se nahoru, jak
   ta zprava potom muze dopadnout. :(

Petr Nachtmann

Date:         Sat, 28 Feb 1998 23:33:37 +0100
Reply-To:     Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
Sender:       Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti 
From:         KUBELKA Miroslav 
Subject:      =?iso-8859-2?Q?ve=F8ejn=E9_po=B9tovn=ED_slu=BEby_na_post=2Ecz?=
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Rád bych se podělil o "zajímavou" zkušenost s používáním veřejných
mailových služeb.
Uvítal jsem možnost zřídit se bezplatnou poštovní schránku na
Poté jsem se "automaticky" přihlásil do konference aukce na
potvrzením ceny a od té doby se marně snažím z této konference odhlásit.
Nefunguje totiž komunikce s

Proč jsem s tím přišel do této konference? Protože se to může stát
komukoliv z Vás. Na prosbu o pomoc mi správce i tvrdí,
že u nich problém není, ať hledám pomoc někde jinde.

No je to obojí zadarmo, tak co jiného lze očekávat?
Máte někdo podobnou zkušenost?

Mirek Kubelka