gopher ""

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at
Mon Dec 13 14:35:59 CET 1993

"" je "Geometry Forum Gopher". Jeho hlavni menu se
submenu "Forum's Archive" ma tvar:

1.  Forum's Archive/
      1.  Algebra Working Group/
      2.  Articles and Books/
      3.  Cabri-Geometre/
      4.  Conferences and Institutes/
      5.  Macintosh Software/
      6.  MathMagic/
      7.  NSF Projects Related to Geometry/
      8.  Nuntius Macintosh Software/
      9.  PC Software/
      10. README.
      11. Reference Material/
      12. The Geometer's Sketchpad/
      13. Threads from the geometry.* Newsgroups/
2.  Other Gophers/
3.  Welcome To The Geometry Forum Gopher.

Info obsah submenu "MathMagic" ozrejmuje Alan A. Hodsonova zprava.
        Vladimir Vrabec

Alan A. Hodsonova zprava:
MathMagic Lists

   What is MathMagic?
   MathMagic, is a K-12 telecommunications project developed in El
   Paso, TX that provides a strong motivator for students to use
   computer technology while increasing problem-solving strategies
   and communications skills. In a nutshell, MathMagic posts
   challenges into each of four categories (k-3, 4-6, 7-9 and
   10-12) to trigger each registered team to pair up with another
   team and engage in an exchange of problem-solving dialog. When
   an agreement is reached, one solution is posted for every pair.

   Has it been done before?
   MathMagic has received wide ideological acceptance by hundreds
   of present FidoNet users, because it addresses most of the
   National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards. It is now
   expanding into the Internet.

   Is this a "first call"?
   This first call is aimed at providing information and building an
   Internet-centered data base with names of K-12 and higher
   education teachers, librarians, technology directors and computer
   facilitators, and in general, to seek Net users that are in a
   position to make the postings available to teams of students.
   MathMagic's success on FidoNet makes building this project on
   Internet a logical step.

   What is needed?
   This project is for schools who are presently  using or shortly
   plan to use computers with modems. Direct Internet access is
   desirable (see NET-PROVIDERS file,) but in some areas, a local
   Bulletin Board System (BBS) or Net user may have to act as a go-
   between. Please ask about special arrangements.

   Do participants "meet" each other?
   Each registered team is expected to work with a NET TEAM PARTNER
   (NTP) who may be local, state, national or international. They
   must discuss solution strategies and agree on the solution they
   are going to post. A good measure of the success of the project
   rests on the "grass-roots" exchanges, when teams meet each other
   and exchange personal/school/city information.

   How will the Internet be used?
   The postings and some team exchanges will be made via a kind of
   listserv called a MAILING LIST (different commands, same
   principle.) The wonderful folks of the Geometry Forum at
   Swarthmore College have made their "majordomo" Mailing List server
   available to MathMagic, and as a result, registration will be
   fairly easy. However, most team exchanges are via e-mail.

   How can someone participate?
   There will be two broad categories of participants: REGISTERED and
   UNREGISTERED. All registered teams will be entitled to full access
   to all the list's mailings, and will have the ability to "post"
   any question, comment or reply at any time. UNREGISTERED teams, on
   the other hand, can receive all mailings and read the exchanges,
   but will not be able to post directly to the lists.

   Which are the lists?
   Roughly corresponding to U.S. grade equivalency, the list are:

             (UNREGISTERED)                    (REGISTERED)

            mathmagic-k-3-open                 mathmagic-k-3
            mathmagic-4-6-open                 mathmagic-4-6
            mathmagic-7-9-open                 mathmagic-7-9
            mathmagic-10-12-open               mathmagic-10-12

   Can someone subscribe to all lists?
   Again, anyone can subscribe to any/all of the "...-open" lists,
   but can NOT post messages until fully registered.

   Is gopher or ftp available?
   Anyone can gopher or ftp files from Look for
   specific instructions below. In addition, educationally-focused
   groups or sites make want to take advantage of Mathmagic as a

   Is there a discussion group of benefit to teachers re/ MathMagic?
   One of the most valuable lessons a teacher learns is when s/he can
   observe and discuss the student's metacognition. For this purpose,
   a fifth list,


   will also be available to schools of education, assorted profs,
   teachers, supervisors and in general to all interested parties
   wanting to discuss math learning and the student exchanges
   observed in these lists. As MathMagic itself develops, CONSTRUC-
   TIVE suggestions, observations and criticisms, along with any/all
   pedagogical discussions that may enlighten student/teacher (read
   old student) development will be welcomed. K-12 direct student
   input is not solicited in this fifth list.

   Must registered users participate in all the challenges?
   Since school calendars and holidays differ the world over,
   registered participants are not expected to address all
   challenges. Also, and as strange as it may sound, the "official"
   language of the postings is standard American English. Overseas
   participants are encouraged to adapt their colloquialisms (boot,
   lift, etc.) to ours (trunk, elevator, etc.)

   What donation is expected for full registration?
   Information about the nominal registration fee is forwarded to
   each person registering for one of the lists. It is also available
   under the COSTS-GRANTS file as indicated below. Please note that
   the registration form calls for the name of a faculty sponsor, and
   a team name. Each team's name will consist of the sponsor's last
   name (surname), a color, the school mascot, and city/state/country
   information: Hodson's Gold Gators/El Paso, TX can end up working
   with Nahim's Blue Tigers/Tel Aviv, IL.

   What other "perks" are there for registering?
   All registered users will receive a certificate of participation,
   incentives and have more privileges than nonregistered users. The
   world-wide postings of the student's responses also act as power-
   ful motivators.

   How does a person subscribe/unsubscribe to MathMagic?
   All subscriptions (registered and non) begin with a free
   subscription to one of the "...-open" lists. Send the following
   e-mail message:

            TO: majordomo at
                                          (note majordomo's spelling)
            subscribe mathmagic-X-Y-open

   where X-Y is either K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12 or general. To
   UNSUBSCRIBE (when a user no longer wants to be part of the Mailing
   List) send the same message as above, but replace "subscribe" with

   When does an "open" subscription become full registration?
   After subscribing to any "-open" list a user will receive an
   acknowledgement and a REGISTRATION FORM that should be completed
   and returned to the address below. The account will remain
   UNREGISTERED until all aspects of the form have been received.

   Who can answer more questions?
   Alan Hodson, middle school math teacher with the El Paso ISD is in
   charge of the Internet component of the project. Write to him at:

                           alanh at or
                           ahodson at

   Carol Hooper, middle school math teacher with Ysleta ISD is in
   charge of the FidoNet component. Contact her at:

                           cshooper at or
                           Carol.Hooper at

   What other informational files are available?
   To receive more information on MathMagic and the files available,
   send e-mail (no "Subject:" needed) to:

             mail-server at

             send mathmagic/general/INDEX

   Users can also ftp the MathMagic information files thus:

             'Username:' anonymous
             'Password:' (your e-mail 'name'@)        example: alanh@
             'Welcome to the Geometry Forum...' (whole page deleted)
             'FORUM.SWARTHMORE.EDU>' cd mathmagic
             'FORUM.SWARTHMORE.EDU>' dir      (lists all directories)
                                 (or ls         (for UNIX systems))
             "FORUM.SWARTHMORE.EDU>' cd general (or any other direc-

   Remember, to retrieve or "download" information to your system you
   must type the 'get filename' (exact spelling). To move up one
   directory type (at the > prompt) 'cdup'; to log off type 'exit'.
                                           (Don't type the ' ' marks)
   GOPHER access is also available:

             (choose) 1. Forum's Archive/
             (choose) 6. MathMagic/
             (choose) 5. general.information    (or any directory in
                                                 that area)

   At the end of each read text (or when you press spacebar <return>)
   the footer will prompt to mail it. The user must enter his/her
   name as given by the system (example: alanh) - the mailer "knows"
   the "@..." part.) To move up a directory type 'u' and to end the
   gopher exchange type 'q' and confirm quit.

   Some of the files that can be requested are:

             mathmagic-faq (this list)
             and others

   Are user-made "challenge" submissions accepted?
   "Adult" involvement is an integral component of this project.
   Users with thought-provoking (ideally open-ended) word problems
   are encouraged to make their contributions available to MathMagic.


   guide can be obtained as outlined above.

   Can MathMagic "make a difference"?
   MathMagic Foundation is a non-profit organization for the
   development and implementation of innovative methods and
   technology to encourage youngsters to get involved in articulating
   math  problems. To the extent that teacher-training programs and
   teachers in the field get involved, master and incorporate
   telecommunication opportunities like this project, programs like
   MathMagic can contribute significantly towards achieving NCTM
   standards and truly "literate" students. MathMagic also attempts
   to involve concerned professionals in solving some of our students
   weaknesses by making "challenge" contributions and engaging in
   the project's exchanges.

   Caveat Emptor (a personal note)
   As worthy an endeavor as MathMagic may seem, it is "one more" time
   consuming commitment to a full-time job, the local board of a
   professional organization (AFT) and the usual daily distractions
   such as band boosters student accounts and the like. Presently
   MathMagic is NOT receiving any grants or stipends to allow for
   "extra" time to be dedicated to the project. Hopefully this will
   change in the near future. Please don't expect IMMEDIATE service
   - be ready to match your professional commitment to finding viable
   alternatives to age old concerns with a good dose of patience! At
   least at the beginning...Ironic how we may be able to communicate
   across the world instantly, but still be slaves of our time

   Happy (thought-provoking) Computing!

   Alan A. Hodson
   alanh at
   December 1993

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