Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz
Fri Dec 30 18:22:05 CET 1994


OMICRON ECHO 26                                 30. prosince 1994



      (Vladimir Vrabec, OMICRON)

      (Vladimir Vrabec, OMICRON)


     Vazeni pratele,

     omluvte  nejprve  nesplneni   naseho  drivejsiho  slibu,  ze
prineseme shrnujici informace o vysledcich INET'94. Puvodni zamer
se nam sice nepodarilo uskutecnit, ale diky poradatelum a kolegum
z UK nejdulezitejsi  materialy jsou k  dispozici na cesnetovskych
serverech  (viz   Omicron  News,  1/94).   Toto  cislo  obcasniku
OMICRON-ECHO je  venovano kratke informaci o  dalsich osudech nam
velmi zname site NSFNET a pripomenuti sberu informacnich "sperku"
na  gopherskych serverech  v Internetu.  S timto  cislem prijmete
prosim prani vseho nejlepsiho v roce 1995, hlavne pevneho zdravi,
mnoha uspechu a spokojenosti.

                                                  Vladimir Vrabec



                 Vladimir Vrabec, OMICRON

     Jiste mnohym z nas je  znamo, jakou ulohu sehrala sit NSFNET
v rozvoji Internetu. Pripomenme si zakladni fakta:

- NSF  (National Science  Foundation) propojuje  v roce  1986 pet
superpocitacovych  stredisek infrastrukturou  s paterni rychlosti
56 Kbps

- v  roce 1987  poveruje NSF  konzorcium michiganskych univerzit,
Merit  Network,  Inc.,  petiletou  spravou  paterni  site NSFNET;
spravy se ucastni i IBM a MCI

- Merit, IBM a MCI vytvareji pozdeji Advenced Network & Services,
Inc.  (ANS),  zabyvajici  se   komercnim  prenosem  pres  paterni

- v roce 1989 NSFNET prechazi na paterni rychlost 1.5 Mbps (T1)

- v roce 1992 NSFNET prechazi na paterni rychlost 45 Mbps (T3)

- v  roce  1993  je  vytvorena  domena "internic.net" poskytujici
adresarove  a   databazove  sluzby  (AT&T),   registracni  servis
(Network  Solutions,Inc.) a  informacni sluzby  (General Atomics,

- letos byl zverejnen dalsi plan rozvoje architektury site NSFNET

     Nova  architektura site  NSFNET vychazi  z toho,  ze puvodni
urceni  teto site  jako vyzkumne  site preslo  do stadia provozni
site  a  pro  budoucnost  je  ucelne,  aby  tato jeji funkce byla
realizovana  na  komecnim  zaklade  prostrednictvim NSPs (Network
Sevice Providers). NSF se v  souladu se svou pusobnosti soustredi
na zabezpecovani dalsiho  rozvoje spickovych sitovych technologii
prostrednictvim projektu  VBNS (Very high-speed  Backbone Network
Service), zahrnujiciho NAPs (Network Access Points) s RA (Routing

     Sit    VBNS    bude    dimenzovana    pro   propojeni   peti
superpocitacovych stredisek. Vyvoj a  provoz teto site byl sveren
firme MCI. NAPs jsou brany mezi VBNS a ostatnim Internetem. Budou
vybaveny sluzbou  RA, ktera bude  poskytovat sitim pripojenym  na
NAPs  routovaci   informace,  informace  o   topologii,  vnitrnim
propojeni  a pod.  Vyvoj a   udrzbu RA  bude zajistovat  Merit ve
spolupraci   s   institutem    jihokalifornske   univerzity   ISI
(Information  Science  Institute).  NAPs  pripravi firmy Bellcore
(Chicago  a Palo  Alto), MFS  Datanet (Washington)  a Sprint (New
York). Schema teto nove architektury je uvedeno na obrazku 1.

x                                                               x
x                |------------------------------|               x
x                |  Regional - Midlevel Network |               x
x                |---------------!--------------|               x
x                                !                              x
x                  |-------------!------------|                 x
x   ...............| Network Service Provider |..............   x
x   .              |--------------------------|.            .   x
x   .                                  .       .            .   x
x   .                                  .       .            .   x
x   .                                  .       .            .   x
x   .                          CHICAGO X       X NEW YORK   .   x
x   .                                  |       |            .   x
x   .                                  |       |            .   x
x   .  |------------------------------------------------|   .   x
x   .  |                     Pittsburg                  |   .   x
x   .  |       VBNS              O                      |   .   x
x   .  |                         |                      |   .   x
x   .  | San Diego O-======|=====|==|=======-O Cornell  |   .   x
x   .  |                   |        |                   |   .   x
x   .  |                   O        O                   |   .   x
x   .  |                Boulder   Champaign             |   .   x
x   .  |------------------------------------------------|   .   x
x   .      |                                        |       .   x
x   .      |                                        |       .   x
x   .      X PALO ALTO                   WASHINGTON X       .   x
x   .      .                                        .       .   x
x   ........                                        .........   x
x                                                               x
x   LEGENDA:                                                    x
x                                                               x
x        VBNS        Very high-speed Backbone Network Service   x
x        O           Supercomputers                             x
x        X           NAP - Network Access Point                 x
x                                                               x
x                                                               x

                         OBRAZEK  1

     Po  dobu ctyrleteho  prechodoveho obdobi  bude NSF  utlumove
spolufinancovat   cinnost  soukromych   NSPs,  schopnych  prevzit
funkce,  ktere  provozne   zabezpecovala  paterni  infrastruktura
NSFNET pro regionalni a dalsi site.

Pouzita literatura:

1. Karen D. Fraser:
   NSF NETWORK NEWS, Vol. 1, No. 1

2. Kent England:
   NSF NETWORK NEWS, Vol. 1, No. 2

3. Robert H'obbes' Zakon:
   Hobbes' Internet Timeline
   URL: gopher://is.internic.net/00/introguide/about-internet/


                     2. GOPHERJEWELS

                 Vladimir Vrabec, OMICRON

     Projekt Davida Rigginse  GOPHERJEWELS je specifickym pokusem
predmetne  katalogizovat  stromovym  zpusobem  obsah  gopherskych
serveru v Internetu. Realizovany system predevsim nabizi:

- pres 2000 stromove organizovanych smerniku na gopherske prvky
- vyhledavani pomoci JUGHEADu ve vsech menu systemu
- skupinu napovednich dokumentu pro gopherskou problematiku
- archivy e-konferenci pro GOPHERJEWELS a waisovske vyhledavani v
  nich (gopherjewels, gopherjewels-talk).



     Original systemu GOPHERJEWELS:

URL: gopher://cwis.usc.edu/11/

     Zrcadlove obrazy:

URL: gopher://info.monash.edu.au/11/Other/sources/Gopher_Jewels

Velka Britanie:
URL: gopher://gopher.csv.warwick.ac.uk/11/remote/other-gopher/

URL: gopher://gopher.technion.ac.il/11/Other_gophers/

URL: gopher://gopher.bilkent.edu.tr/11/Gopher_Jewels

     WWW verze systemu GOPHERJEWELS:

forma vhodna pro vyhledavani:
URL: http://galaxy.einet.net/gopher/gopher.html

tradicni forma:
URL: http://galaxy.einet.net/GJ/index.html



   1.  Gopher Jewels Information and Help/
        1.  About Gopher Jewels.
        2.  Gopher Help Documents/      <========= viz dal=======
        3.  Gopher Jewels Announcement Archives/
        4.  Gopher Jewels Discussion   Archives/
        5.  Other Archives and Related Information/

   2.  Community, Global and Environmental/
        1.  Country Specific Information/
        2.  Environment/
        3.  Free-Nets And Other Community Or State Gophers/
        4.  Global or World-Wide Topics/

   3.  Education, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities/
        1.  Anthropology and Archaeology/
        2.  Arts and Humanities/
        3.  Education (Includes K-12)/
        4.  Genealogy/
        5.  Geography/
        6.  History/
        7.  Language/
        8.  Religion and Philosophy/
        9.  Social Science/

   4.  Economics, Business and Store Fronts/
        1.  Economics and Business/
        2.  Products and Services - Store Fronts/

   5.  Engineering and Industrial Applications/
        1.  Architecture/
        2.  Engineering Related/
        3.  Manufacturing/
        4.  Safety/

   6.  Government/
        1.  Federal Agency and Related Gopher Sites/
        2.  Military/
        3.  Political and Government/
        4.  State Government/

   7.  Health, Medical, and Disability/
        1.  AIDS and HIV Information/
        2.  Disability Information/
        3.  Medical Related/
        4.  Psychology/

   8.  Internet and Computer Related Resources/
        1.  A List Of Gophers With Subject Trees/ <=== viz dal===
        2.  Computer Related/
        3.  Internet Cyberspace related/
        4.  Internet Resources  by Type  (Gopher, Phone,  USENET,
                                          WAIS, Other)/
        5.  Internet Service Providers/
        6.  List of Lists Resources/

   9.  Law/
        1.  Legal or Law related/
        2.  Patents and Copyrights/

   10. Library, Reference, and News/
        1.   Books,   Journals,   Magazines,   Newsletters,   and
        2.  General Reference Resources/
        3.  Journalism/
        4.  Library Information and Catalogs/
        5.  News Related Services/
        6.  Radio and TV Broadcasting/

   11. Miscellaneous Items/

   12. Natural Sciences including Mathematics/
        1.  Agriculture and Forestry/
        2.  Astronomy and Astrophysics/
        3.  Biological Sciences/
        4.  Chemistry/
        5.  Geology and Oceanography/
        6.  Math Sciences/
        7.  Meteorology/
        8.  Physics/

   13. Personal Development and Recreation/
        1.  Employment Opportunities and Resume Postings/
        2.  Fun Stuff & Multimedia/
        3.  Museums, Exhibits and Special Collections/
        4.  Travel Information/

   14. Research, Technology Transfer and Grants Opportunities/
        1.  Grants/
        2.  Technical Reports/
        3.  Technology Transfer/



                Gopher Help Documents

      1.  Gopher Tips & Help - Read Me First!.
      2.  What Is Gopher?.
      3.  Quick Reference Guide For Gopher.
      4.  General Network Terms.
      5.  Bookmarks In Gopher.
      6.  Cancel Gopher Request.
      7.  Search Gopher Menu.
      8.  Download Documents With Gopher.
      9.  EMail a Document From Gopher.
      10. Viewing Picture Files.
      11. Gopher To A Specified Gopher Information Server.
      12. Links Entries In Gopher.
      13. Telnet Access To Public Gopher Clients.
      14. Design Tips For Building Gopher Information Servers.
      15. Operating Gopher By EMail.
      16. Jughead (search gopher menus).
      17. Veronica (search gopher entries worldwide).
      18. Archie (search FTP archives worldwide).
      19. WAIS (wide area information system searchable
      20. Search Gopher Jewels Menus by Key Word(s) <?>
          (Send keywords in Subject:)  <===== viz dal=====



     Zkusme  vyhledat,  co  system  obsahuje  z  ceskych gopheru.

Pouzijme pri hledani napr. klicove slovo cz:
URL: gopher://cwis.usc.edu:3456/7?cz


      1.  Usenet FAQs Via vslib.cz/
      2.  Bicycles FAQ - gopher.vslib.cz/
      3.  Skating FAQ - gopher.vslib.cz/
      4.  Robotics - Robotics FAQ - gopher.vslib.cz/



     GOPHERJEWELS  nam  muze  poskytnout  docela  uzitecny seznam
gopheru, ktere  maji jako svuj prvek  nejaky system typu "subject

         A List Of Gophers With Subject Trees

1.  AMI -- A Friendly Public Interface (Subject Tree)/
2.  Australian Defence Force Academy (Canberra, Australia)
    (Subject Tree)/
3.  BUBL Information Service (Subject Tree)/
4.  CNS, Inc. (Subject Tree)/
5.  Data Transfer Group, San Diego/
6.  ELISA at ANU (Subject Tree)/
7.  The English Server (Subject Tree)/
8.  Go M-Link (Subject Tree)/
9.  Internet Wiretap (Subject Tree)/
10. Library of Congress (LC MARVEL) (Subject Tree)/
11. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries - MITosis
    (Subject Tree)/
12. Michigan State University (Subject Tree)/
13. Millkern Communications Gopher (Subject Tree)/
14. North Carolina State University Library gopher
    (Subject Tree)/
15. NYSERNet Services/
16. PEG, a peripatetic, eclectic gopher (Subject Tree)/
17. Penn State University Libraries gopher (Subject Tree)/
18. RiceInfo (Rice University CWIS) (Subject Tree)/
19. Texas A&M (Subject Tree)/
20. Univ of California, Berkeley, Library (InfoLib)
    (Subject Tree)/
21. Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, InfoSlug System
    (Subject Tree)/
22. University of California, Irvine (Subject Tree)/
23. University of California, Santa Barbara Library
    (Subject Tree)/
24. University of Michigan Libraries (Subject Tree)/
25. University of Missouri, St. Louis Libraries
    (Subject Tree)/
26. University of Nevada (Subject Tree)/
27. University of South Carolina Gopher Server
    (Subject Tree)/
28. University of Texas - Dallas (Subject Tree)/
29. Washington & Lee University (Subject Tree)/
30. Washington Library Network (Subject Tree)/
31. Whole Earth 'Lectronic Magazine - The WELL's Gopherspace
    (Subject Tree)/


Obcasniky  OMICRON-ECHO  vydava  Vyukove  a  poradenske  sdruzeni
OMICRON.  Autori  souhlasi   s  jejich  elekronickym  kopirovanim
a vyuzivanim   vyhradne   pro    osobni   nevydelecnou   potrebu.
Elektronicke  zverejnovani  odbornych  casti  obcasniku  je mozne
pouze pri  zachovani uplnosti textu  a uvedenim autorske  citace.
Jine vyuziti podminuji autori svym souhlasem.


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