French Libraries Online

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at
Thu Feb 3 14:28:50 CET 1994


prikladam e-dopis upresnujici francouzske informacni zdroje, predevsim
knihovni zdroje. Zdravi
                        Vladimir Vrabec

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 1994 12:15:02 ITA
From: Fabio Metitieri <METITIER%ITOCSIVM.CSI.IT at>
Subject: French Libraries Online

FYI FRANCE: French Libraries Online -- January, 1994 update

                        French Libraries Online

                        by:     Jack Kessler
                                kessler at

(Thanks to many friends -- many of them French -- for much help in what
follows, although any inaccuracies are my fault or that of the networks'
incredible rate of change. Suggested additions, deletions, and
corrections will be gratefully received. The term "opac" used here means
"Online Public Access Catalog": the library catalog and, increasingly --
as with those on the Internet -- more. Standard networking caveat:
trying to keep track of Internet resources with a list is like fitting
round pegs into square holes -- navigating tools keep multiplying, as do
the resources, and combinations and permutations of alternative search
strategies begin to make a flat - file list resemble a standard
hypertext plate of spaghetti. French network use is growing, rapidly.
The list which appears below becomes, increasingly, only an indicator --
of extent and of possible points of entry -- for someone new to
networking or new to French online resources. It is a "selected" list:
only items of general interest are shown -- no computer specialist
files, of which France has many -- and nearly everything has been
tested, recently, to make sure that it "works".)

As of end - January, 1994, "at least" the following French library
resources may be found online, accessible via the following online

a) Minitel "kiosk" Libraries. These now may be reached from nearly
anywhere via Minitel. Minitel is generally available in Europe. In the
UK, Minitel just has acquired the Prestel service. Free MAC or DOS
diskettes for Minitel -- some downloading capacity now is available --
may be obtained in the US and Canada from voice telephone 914-399-0800.
Access policies do change from time to time. Access to all this is very

3614 BMLYON   Bibliothe`que Municipale de Lyon (info.+ opac)
3614 BMDIJON  Bibliothe`que Municipale de Dijon (info.+ opac)
3614 BIB      Bibliothe`que Municipale de Grenoble (info.+ opac)
3614 MADOC    Bibliothe`que Professionelle de France Te'le'com (opac)
3614 MEDVIL   Me'diathe`que, Cite' des Sciences et de l'Industrie
               (info.+ opac)
3614 NANCY    Bibliothe`que Municipale de Nancy (info.+ opac)
3614 VDP14    Vide'othe`que de Paris (info.+ opac)
3615 ABCDOC   Archives, Bibliothe`ques, Centres de Documentation
3615 BIBNAT   Bibliothe`que Nationale (info. -- no opac, yet)
3615 BPI      Bibliothe`que Publique d'Information (Centre
               Pompidou, Paris) (info.+ opac)
3615 BRISE    Bibliothe`ques de St. Etienne (opacs)
3615 DASTUM   Photote`que Dastum, Breton culture (info.+ opac)
3615 MIRADOC  Bibliothe`que Universite' de Metz (info.+ opac)
3615 VDP15    Vide'othe`que de Paris (info.+ opac)
3617 BIUP     Bibliothe`que Inter-Universitaire de Pharmacie (opac)
3617 CCN      Catalogue Collectif National des Publications en
               Se'rie (national union catalog project, serials)
3617 PANCA    Pancatalogue (national union catalog project, books)

b) Minitel "V23" Direct-Dial Libraries. The following French library
services may be reached by a telephone call, either from a Minitel
which can do so (European terminals can, but US Minitel service
distributed per the above cannot), or using a V23 modem, available in
European computer stores:       Amiens, Bibliothe`que d' (info.+ opac)       Arles, Bibliothe`que Municipale d'(info.+ opac)       Caen, Bibliothe`que Municipale de (info.+ opac)       Chamonix, Bibliothe`que Municipale de (opac)  Chilly-Mazarin, Bibliothe`que de (info.+ opac)  IRCAM, Centre de Recherche Musicale, Centre
                   Pompidou, Paris (opac)       Niort, Bibliothe`que de (info.+ opac)       Sallanches, Bibliothe`que Municipale de (opac)       Tourcoing, Me'diathe`que de (info.+ opac)

c) telnet (ie. from the Internet)    Bibliothe`que Universitaire de Caen (login as
FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR  Centre National Universitaire Sud de Calcul,
                  Montpellier -- provides access to PANCATALOGUE and
                  SIBIL and numerous other French services -- account
                  required (fax -- in French -- to 67-52-37-63, at
                  Montpellier) -- also available via Minitel (see
                  above) or French Transpac #134022271494 (account
IFBIBLI.GRENET.FR Institut Fourier -- Saint Martin d'Hye`res (opac)
LIMVX4.UNILIM.FR  Universite de LIMOGES, user id: GRACE
                  Universite' de St. Etienne; Username: brise; At %PAD-
                  I-COM, enter <return>
                  Universite' de Pau; login: grace
BPU.UNINE.CH      Bibliothe`que Publique et Universitaire de
                  Neucha^tel, Switzerland
SIBIL.SWITCH.CH   Swiss-French Network Catalogue, Switzerland      Ecole Polytechnique (Montre'al); At "classe de
                  service" enter   biblio96
ARIANE.ULAVAL.CA  Laval University, Canada; Username: ARIANE       Universite' de Moncton - Bibliothe`que Champlain,
                  Canada; At the SERVICE? prompt, enter    champ


Generally, search the directory of servers under "bibliotheque" or

bib-dmi-ens-fr.src      Ecole Normale Supe'rieure, Paris, Dept. de
                        Mathe'matiques et Informatique
bib-ens-lyon.src        Ecole Normale Supe'rieure de LYON
bib-math-orsay-fr.src   Universite' Paris-Sud
bibs-zenon-inria-fr.src INRIA / Institut de Recherche en
                        Informatique et Automatique, Sophia
                        Antipolis (Documentation Center / Library)
cirm-books-fr.src       CIRM / Centre International de Rencontres
                        Mathe'matiques, Marseille (library)
                        INRIA / Institut de Recherche en
                        Informatique et Automatique, national
imag.ouvrages.src       IMAG / Institut d'Informatique et de
                        Mathe'matiques Applique'es de Grenoble

e) electronic conferences

BALZAC-L        "French literature and culture"; subscribe to balzac-1-
                request at; in French and English; 250

BIBLIO-FR       "Bibliothe'caires Franc,ais"; subscribe to biblio-fr-
                request at; in French; 400 subscribers.

FRANCEHS        "List for French history scholars"; subscribe, saying
                (only, without the quotes), "subscribe francehs
                <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>", to
                francehs-request at uwavm.bitnet or
                listserv at; in French and English;
                275 subscribers.

f) anonymous ftp sites    INRIA/Institut National de Recherche en Informatique
                 et Automatique  INRIA in Sophia Antipolis      Univ. Rennes1 ("gopher" in French!?)    /pub/etext/ota/french// contains Molie`re's _Don Juan_
                 fulltext (OTA version) and Queneau's _Exercices du
                 style_ fulltext (OTA version) /pub/cch/french// contains Molie`re's _Don Juan_
                 fulltext (Oxford Text Archive version) and a French
                 wordlist in ascii     "Association des Bibliophiles Universels" files,
                including fulltext (sgml marked - up?) of texts by St.
                Augustine, Plutarch, Jules Verne, Th. Moreux, and E.
                Dubreucq, and other things relevant to fulltext.

g) gophers -- (there are others, but the following have more than
just hi - tech and scientific content, ie. the humanities)

IMAG..itut d'Informatique et de Mathe'matiques Applique'es de Grenoble/
INRIA..titut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique/
Ministe`re de la culture et de la francophonie (St Quentin en Yveli../
Universite' de Lausanne (Suisse)/
Universite' de Lyon I/
Universite' de Montre'al (Que'bec, Canada)/ GOPHER LITTERATURES

        (Note: GOPHER LITTERATURES is a relatively recent effort to
        establish a truly comprehensive gopher devoted to online
        humanities resources in French. It has an ambitious structure,
        not yet filled, but at the least is a very promising effort to
        follow for anyone interested in the humanities online.)

Universite' de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour/
Universite' Jean Monnet (St-Etienne)/
USHS (Universite' des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg)/

and, in particular, one very good, very French, French gopher: -- (Grenoble - net), which gives you a software
        package entitled "G.R.A.C.E (Gestion du Reseau Automatise' de
        Catalogues En-ligne )", and a "help" feature wonderfully -
        entitled, for a "help" feature, "B.I.P.E.D. (BULLETIN
        d'INFORMATION pour ETUDIANTS En DETRESSE)". The "grenet" gopher
        contains, among many other things:

        in path -- 8.  Catalogues de Bibliothe`ques (OPAC) et Autres
        Serveurs Documentaire../ 1.  Catalogues des Bibliothe`ques de
        la Region Grenobloise/

      2.  Catalogue Collectif SIBIL (SICD Grenob. 1 et 2 et IEP Grenob.
      4.  CICG (ouvrages) <?>
      5.  Bibliothe`que Centrale du CNRS <?>
      6.  CRISS (Informatique en Sciences Sociales) Catalogue General
      7.  ENS Hydraulique et Me'canique (ouvrages) <?>
      8.  ENS Hydraulique et Me'canique (the`ses) <?>
      9.  IREPD (UFR DGES Univ Pierre Mendes France) (ouvrages) <?>
      10. Institut Fourier (ouvrages) <TEL>
      11. Me'diatheque IMAG (ouvrages) <?>
      12. Me'diatheque IMAG (periodiques) <?>
      13. Me'diatheque IMAG (rapports de recherche) <?>
      14. Me'diatheque IMAG (vide'os) <?>
      15. Publications "Online" de l'IMAG/

        in path -- 8.  Catalogues de Bibliothe`ques (OPAC) et Autres
        Serveurs Documentaire../2.  Catalogues des Bibliothe`ques

      1.  Bibliothe`que Interuniversitaire Jussieu (Section Maths) <?>
      2.  CIRM (Marseille) (Collections) <?>
      3.  CIRM (Marseille) (ouvrages) <?>
      4.  Caen (Sciences, Etudes Anciennes, Normandes, Muse'e) <TEL>
      5.  Catalogue SIBIL (Plusieurs BU dont les SICD Grenoble 1 et 2)
      7.  ENS DMI Paris Publications Scientifiques <?>
      8.  ENS Lyon (ouvrages) <?>
      9.  ENS Paris Dept Math et Info (ouvrages) <?>
      10. Equipe de The'orie des Groupes (Paris 7) <?>
      11. INRIA (Rocqencourt) (ouvrages) <?>
      12. INRIA (Sophia Antipolis) (ouvrages) <?>
      13. INSA LYON (ouvrages et the`ses) <?>
      14. IRISA (Rennes) (ouvrages) <?>
      15. IRMAR (Univ Rennes 1) (ouvrages) <?>
      16. Institut de Me'canique des Fluides de Marseille (ouvrages) <?>
      17. LIMOGES (Catalogue Collectif des Ouvrages) <TEL>
      18. Laboratoire de Biome'trie (Publications Scientifiques) <?>
      19. Laboratoire de Biome'trie Genetique Lyon (Ouvrages et
       The`ses) <?>
      20. Laboratoire de Me'canique et Acoustique Marseille (ouvrages)
      21. Mathe'matiques-Informatique Universite' de Provence
       (ouvrages) <?>
      22. Maths Orsay (ouvrages) <?>
      23. Olfaction (Labo de Physiologie Neurosensorielle Lyon) <?>
      24. PAU (Catalogue Collectif des B U) (par WAIS) <?>
      25. PAU (Catalogue Collectif) (par OPAC) <TEL>
      26. ST ETIENNE (Catalogue Collectif, BU et BM) <TEL>

        and, (still in path -- 8.  Catalogues de Bibliotheques (OPAC) et
        Autres Serveurs Documentaire../,

      3.  Serveurs Documentaires Divers (NAG, ACM, ...)/
      4.  Archives de la Liste de Discussion "Biblio-Fr"/
      5.  Recherche de mail dans biblio-fr.archive <?>
      6.  Autres Catalogues de Bibliothe`ques/
      7.  Serveurs Commerciaux (RESERVE AUX ABONNES)/

As with BITNET and particularly the Internet, it is nearly impossible
to keep up with the phenomenal growth of French online resources. The
Minitel's own "Guide de Services" lists only 15,000 services, while
published accounts claim more than 17,000 currently in operation; and
these numbers don't begin to account for the many online services which
rely on the omnipresent Minitel "boxes" found throughout France -- and
Minitel "V23" norm emulation software now found throughout France and
increasingly elsewhere -- to act as simple terminals for their
connections. Many new library services (see the list at item b),
above), use this latter function: un-tabulated and un-indexed, so that
until libraries go into the marketing business no one really knows how
many online French library services there are.

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