Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz
Fri Feb 4 12:07:57 CET 1994

Zde je pochoutka pro filosofy - KANT-L. Vladimnir Vrabec

Date: Thu, 27 Jan 1994 08:33:15 CST
Reply-To: fwilson at coral.bucknell.edu
Sender: NEW-LIST - New List Announcements <NEW-LIST at VM1.NoDak.EDU>
From: fwilson at coral.bucknell.edu
Subject: NEW: KANT-L - The philosophy of Immanuel Kant
To: Multiple recipients of list NEW-LIST <NEW-LIST at VM1.NoDak.EDU>


   KANT-L is a list for the discussion of topics related to the
   philosophy of Immanuel Kant.

   "But how much, and how correctly, would we think if we did not think
   as it were in common with others, with whom we mutually communicate?"

                --Immanuel Kant, "What is Orientation in Thinking?"

   KANT-L is an open, largely unmoderated discussion list which is
   primarily intended to be a forum

      (i) for scholarly and interdisciplinary discussions of the philosophy
      of Immanuel Kant;

      (ii) for sharing information regarding conferences, lectures, recent
      publications, bibliographies, and other information of potential
      relevance to those interested in Kant's philosophy.

   The primary aim of the List is to enable and encourage thoughtful,
   sustained, and competent discussion of issues involved in the
   understanding of the thought of Immanuel Kant.  The list is open to
   anyone, from any discipline,having a serious interest in this area of
   study.  The Listmanagers have a particular concern to encourage close
   critical discussions and "slow readings" of the Kantian texts and of
   secondary sources (commentaries, biographies, etc.) pertaining to
   these works, but the activities of the List will not be restricted to
   such discussions.

   More generally, this List is also directed to promoting the active
   exchange of ideas, information, and scholarly inquiries regarding
   Kantian philosophy in the broadest sense, including its influences
   and significance.  The scope of discussion is thus conceived to

      --- the relationships, historical, philosophical, and interpretive,
      of Kant's philosophy to the views of other philosophers (e.g., Plato,
      Aristotle, Hegel, Descartes, Quine, Husserl, et al.,) and positions
      (such as idealism, pragmatism, functionalism, etc.),

      --- as well as its bearings upon contemporary philosophical issues
      and intellectual developments (cognitive science, evolutionary
      epistemology, environmental philosophy, cultural critique, etc.).

   We welcome subscriptions and submissions from individuals in all
   areas of learning who have an interest in such questions as they
   relate to Kant's thought and who wish to pursue them with others.

   TO SUBSCRIBE: send a message to the following address:


   containing in the body of your message the subscription line:

        SUB KANT-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname

   For example:

        SUB KANT-L David Hume

   When you subscribe, you will automatically receive explanatory
   information both about the discussion group and about the "Listserv"
   mechanisms you will use to communicate with the other members of the
   group.  As is customary with such Listserv arrangements, the default
   for the Reply command is set for the whole list, so that items
   submitted to the List are automatically distributed to the entire

   Owner: The Co-Managers of the List are:

        Frank Wilson, Department of Philosophy, Bucknell University,
        Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, 17837;
        (717) 524-3461          fwilson at coral.bucknell.edu
        Ted Chappen,  P. O. Box 442, New Berlin, Pennsylvania, 17855;
        (717) 966-1778          chappen at bucknell.edu

   Please feel free to contact either of the Listmanagers if you have
   any questions about subscribing or about the administration of

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