HELP z archive at

hladikz at hladikz at
Fri Feb 18 18:50:17 CET 1994

Zde je slibeny help k ftpmail at
   This is an automated reply from The Major Gateway/Internet Archive Server
        Copyright (C) 1993-1994 Galacticomm, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

The Archive Server automatically replies to requests that you send in mail
messages.  You can send a single request in the Subject line or multiple
requests in the message body.

Some of the requests may be password protected.  Each type of request can
have a different password.  The Sysop will provide you with the correct
password for each request that requires one.  To enter a password, you
must place the PASSWORD command on the line before the request.  There
cannot be any blank lines between the password and the request.  Each
request that requires a password must be preceeded by the password.

Some requests perform the same function, e.g. HELP and INDEX.  Valid
requests are:

Request       Option(s)          Description

PASSWORD      <password>         Replace <password> with the password that
                                 the System Operator has provided for you.
                                 Not all requests require passwords.

HELP                             Obtains system help.

FILELIST                         Sends the list of files that you can
                                 request using the GET request.

USERS                            Sends a list of users on this system and
                                 their Internet user names.

LOOKUP        <user>             Looks up a specific user and reports if
                                 they exist on this system.

GET           <file>             Requests a file that is listed in the
SEND                             "filelist".  (See the FILELIST request).

INFO                             Requests Archive Server statistics.


The following example would be sent as separate lines in the message

PASSWORD majorbbs         ;   Set password for next request (USERS)
USERS                     ;   Request of list of users on this system
GET arj239.exe            ;   Request file ARJ239.EXE
GET          ;   Request file MBBSDEMO.ZIP
GET          ;   Request file HELPFILE.ZIP
PASSWORD gcomm            ;   Set password for next request (LOOKUP)
LOOKUP jdoe               ;   Request information on user "jdoe"
HELP                      ;   Obtain help on using the Archive Server

Each request will be replied to via E-mail.  Depending on how the
Sysop has their Archive Server configured, you may receive notification
if you make an erroneous request.

You will receive a reply for each request via E-mail.  You may not
receive notification if you make an erroneous request or specify an
incorrect password.  Replies greater than 50 KB in size will be split
into multiple messages.  Binary files will be UUENCODEd.

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