The Internet Hunt ?

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at
Mon Feb 28 14:54:54 CET 1994

problemy s "The Interenet Hunt" objasnuje prilozeny e-dopis Ricka
Gatese. Zdravi
               Vladimir Vrabec

---------- Text of forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 06:40:29 -0800

Sender: Rick Gates <rgates at>
Subject: Hunt Helpers

Greetings one and all!

Well, there is a lot that needs to be said, so here goes.

Some of you may have noticed that the January Hunt results are not
out, and that there was no Hunt for Februrary.  I could blame it all
on conferences, classes, teaching, training and other professional
activities, but let's face it... I'm not that kind of guy :-)

Be it then resolved that:

1. January results will be out this coming weekend (2/19-20).
2. March will be a normal, generalized Hunt.
3. I'm cooking up something unusual and (hopefully) entertaining for
   the April Hunt.
4. Announcements about release dates will also be posted in the main
   Hunt menu of the gopher server at  That way nobody
   has to wait around for mail announcements to percolate down
   to them.

In addition this segues nicely into an idea that I've been mulling
over for some time.  That is "If the Hunt is to evolve and grow with
the Nets that spawned it, I really should make it a cooperative
project".  Those who know me know that I'm not territorial about the
Hunt... after all, the amount of time that I put into it each month is
eclipsed by the time the Hunters spend cumulatively.  That's part of
the reason that I consider all Hunt files posted to be in the public

So, how best to broaden involvement?  Well, lets start simply.  What
the Hunt needs most at this point is:

1. Help with the questions.  This would include finding questions, but
   more importantly, testing them out so that we can come up with an
   accurate dificulty value for each.

2. Help with the answers.  This would include reviewing entries and
   making recommendations about the best answers to include in the

3. Help with ideas.  Where should the Hunt go from here?  Should we
   devise more specialized Hunts?  How far should we go with prizes?
   What other interesting things can we try?

In short, the Hunt needs Hunt helpers!

Please note that anyone joining this Hunt project is, of course,
ineligible to compete in the Hunt.

Also note that I am willing to accept whatever level of involvement
you're prepared to contribute.  If you can spare one hour per month to
scan some Hunt questions or answers, that's all I could ask, and
you'll have my thanks.  I suspect that listserv traffic will be light,
and anyone can pull out at any time.  To start, I will set it up as a
private list.

Finally, you will be immortalized wherever Hunt files are found!  :-)

So, if you are interested in helping with the Hunt, please reply
positively to this message and I'll add you to the listserv.

Thanks very much and...


Rick Gates                       rgates at
Student & Lecturer
Univ. of Arizona                 (602) 621-3958
1515 E. 1st St.
Tucson, AZ  85719

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