Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at
Thu Jan 13 08:58:36 CET 1994


OMICRON ECHO 18                                                  12. ledna 1994





  	Vazeni pratele,

dovolte, abych Vam vsem popral vse nejlepsi v novem roce. Omicron podobne
jako loni pokracuje ve sve cinnosti vcetne vydavani obcasniku. Jak vsichni vite,
havarie archivniho disku nam znemoznila udrzovat archiv e-konference NET.
Cekame na prichod nove techniky, ktera by mela dovolit resit tento problem
perspektivnim zpusobem.

        Dnesni obcasnik venujeme privitani kolegu z MH CR do ceskych
pocitacovych siti. Jak je videt, nebyt pozornosti zvidavych ucastniku lednovych
kurzu OMICRON, probehla by tato udalost bez povsimnuti. Chceme to prvni
casti obcasniku napravit a vyuzit teto prilezitosti k zopakovani nekterych
metod hledani v databazich a poukazat na pripadne nepresnosti v udajich na
cesnetovskych gopherech. V druhe casti obcasniku chceme pripomenout smutnou
zpravu o auto-havarii Brendana Kehoea, autora "Zen and the Art of the
Internet" a rozsirit i u nas informaci o zrizeni specialnich serveru typu
finger, ktere poskytuji aktualni informace o Kehoeove zdravotnim stavu. Pro ty,
kteri nemaji moznost si spustit program finger, uvadime zpusob, jak program
finger ovladat e-dopisem.

                                                 Vladimir Vrabec



  	Na "csearn.bitnet" ( existuje databaze "bitearn" (viz
prikaz "database list" pro listserver), jejimz jednim z klicovych slov je
slovo "country". Posleme na adresu "listserv at csearn.bitnet"
("listserv at") dopis, ktery specifikuje vyhledani zaznamu z databaze
pro honoty klicoveho slova "country=cz" nebo "country=cs". Tedy:

// job
database search dd=rules
//rules dd *
search * in bitearn where country=cz or country=cs

Jako vystup dostaneme e-dopis,

> search * in bitearn where country=cz or country=cs
--> Database BITEARN, 8 hits.

> index
Ref# Conn  Nodeid   Site name
---- ----  ------   ---------
0430 91/11 CSBRMU11 Institute of Computer Science,Masaryk University,Brno
0431 90/10 CSEARN   Czech Technical University, Prague, Czechoslovakia
0446 90/10 CSPGAS11 Institute of Information Theory and Automation
0447 90/10 CSPGCE11 Faculty of Civil Engineering of CVUT,Prague,CSFR
0448 90/12 CSPGEU11 Prague School of Economics
0449 93/10 CSPGME11 Ministry of Economy, Prague, The Czech Republic
0450 91/09 CSPGUK11 Computing Center of Charles University,Prague,Czechoslovakia
0451 90/12 CSPUNI12 Czech Technical University, Prague, Czechoslovakia

> print
>>> Item number 449, dated 93/10 -- ALL
Node: CSPGME11
Lastup: REP 19931101 PKL at CSEARN
Admin: P_MADL
Techinfo: P_MADL
Useradm: P_MADL
Userinfo: P_MADL
Netop: P_MADL
P_madl: Josef Madl;c1vc03 at cspgme11;+42 2 67122572
P_snajdr: Frantisek Snajdr;1snajdr at cspgme11;+42 2 67122807
Country: CZ
Nsv: cz
Nodedesc: Ministry of Economy, Prague, The Czech Republic
Fformat: ND
Machine: IBM 9370 model 30
System: VM/SP rel 6
Netsoft: RSCS version 3
Nodenum: 0115
Connect: 19931022
Type: NJE
Member: Ministery of Economy
A_member: Vrsovicka 65;101 60 Praha 10
Links1: CSPGUK11

z nehoz vyplyva, ze CSPGME11.bitnet byl pripojen do EARNu 22 rijna 1993
pres CSPGUK11.bitnet. Od toho data mame zapojen do evropske akademicke site
prvy cesky statni organ. Bohuzel z vyse uvedeneho zaznamu nevyplyva, ze
ma plnou internetovskou konektivitu a ze je prvkem site CESNET. Presto je mozne
panum Josefu Madlovi (c1vc03 at cspgme11.bitnet) a Frantisku Snajdrovi
(1snajdr at cspgme11) poslat e-mailem blahoprani a pozdrav. Verime, ze tento
vladni pocitac brzy zacne slouzit take informacnim potrebam verejnosti, tak
jak je to ve vyspelych zemich zvykem.

Pokud byste hledali ceske earnovske uzly ve waisovske databazi "bitearn", tak
tam nic zajimaveho nenajdete. Byla totiz aktualizovana naposled v roce
1992. Jina situace je na ceskych gopherech. Tak napr. "" uvadi
v menu "List of BITNET Nodes in Czech Republic" prekvapujici seznam,

Name      Location      Organization                               Active Since

CSEARN    Prague  Czech Technical University, Computing Centre     Oct 90
CSPGCE11  Prague  Czech Technical Univ., Civil Engineering Fac.    Dec 90
CSPGEU11  Prague  University of Economics                          Jan 91
CSPGCS11  Prague  Academy of Science of Czech Republic (AS)        Jan 91
CSPUNI12  Prague  Czech Technical University, Computing Centre     Feb 91
CSPGAS11  Prague  Institute of Info Theory and Automation, AS      Feb 91
CSPGIG11  Prague  Institute of Geophysics, Academy of Science CR   Jun 91
CSPKFU11  Prague  Institute of Physics, Academy of Science CR      Aug 91 *)
CSPGUK11  Prague  Charles University, Computing Centre             Oct 91
CSBRMU11  Brno    Masaryk University                               Jan 92

*) Node is no longer active.

kdezto v menu "List of EARN/BITNET Nodes in the Czech Republic"

Name      Location      Organisation                        Active Since

CSBRMU11  Brno    Masaryk University                               11/91
CSEARN    Prague  Czech Technical University, Computing Centre     10/90
CSPGAS11  Prague  Institute of Information Theory and Automation   10/90
CSPGCE11  Prague  Czech Technical Univ., Fac. of Civil Eng.        10/90
CSPGEU11  Prague  School of Economics                              12/90
CSPGME11  Prague  Ministry of Economy                              10/93
CSPGUK11  Prague  Charles University, Computing Centre             09/91
CSPUNI12  Prague  Czech Technical University, Computing Centre     12/90

ma shodne udaje s hledanim v databazi "bitearn" listserveru na CSEARN.
Bohuzel jsme nebyli schopni ucastnikum naseho kurzu rici, proc existuji tyto


                      2. FINGER VIA MAIL

        Jak jsme jiz v uvodu rekli, zridili spolupracovnici Brendana Kehoea

         finger brendan-news at
         finger brendan-news at

prinasejici zpravy o aktualni zdravotnim stavu Kehoea. Prikaz finger je take
mozne provest prostednictvim mailserveru "b.liddicott at". Posleme-li
tomuto mailserveru prazdny e-dopis se radkem "Subject:#help", dostaneme
napovedu, z ktere mimo jine vyplyva, ze finger lze aktivizovat prazdnym
dopisem s radkem "Subject:#finger e-adresa". Mailserver umi jeste nekolik
jinych veci, mezi nimi i spoustet program "ping" ci plnit funkci
"echo" serveru. Tedy na e-dopis mailserveru s radkem
"Subject:#finger brendan-news at"
jsem dostal 10. 1. 1994 tuto odpoved:

From: b.liddicott at
Message-ID: <9401101204.AA19664 at>
Subject: Result of finger brendan-news at
To: vrabec at
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 12:04:54 gmt

Benhaha's Happy Mail Daemon

Syntax: #finger <user>@<machine name>

The Daemon received a subject line containing the following:
#finger brendan-news at

The Daemon attempted to finger the following user:
brendan-news at

Which generated the following output:
[] -- Electronic Frontier Foundation SS2 Primary Host
  7:04am  up 20 days, 12:33,  4 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.19, 0.00

-User-	   --Full name--	   -What- Idle TTY -Console Location-
brendan- . Brendan Kehoe	   Login Tue 21-Dec-93 9:43PM from zen
  [149,149]  </home/eff/brendan>;  Group: brendan  Shell: /bin/expiredshell

  [No mail file]

  Plan: (last modified Fri 7-Jan-94 2:31PM)

	Brendan Kehoe, Cu Digest archivist at, Cygnus Support
	Engineer and author of ZEN AND THE ART OF THE INTERNET, was
	critically injured in an automobile accident in Pennsylvania on
	Friday, 31 December.The full extent of his injuries cannot be
	assesed for another two weeks or so, according to his doctors.
	Brendan was moved out of the ICU Monday Jan. 3, and is improving

	Jeffrey Osier reports:


	I was a bit sick today myself, so I didn't go see him until
	tonight; didn't want to give him whatever I've got as well,
	but the nurse said it was okay when I got there with his
	mom, Alice.  We sat with him for a while, talking, and even
	had a conversation of sorts.  He repeated several times that
	he wants to go home.  I asked him, "Do you know why you're
	here?" and he said "I don't care." Luckily, he doesn't have
	enough of an attention span yet to get really depressed or
	anything; he'll fall asleep midsentence, and forget that his
	head itches while his hand is on its way to scratch it, but
	he is making amazing progress.  His aphasia is becoming more
	apparent; when he gets agitated he says numbers instead of
	words, sometimes, and in sentences he'll come up with
	strange words that don't quite mean what he thinks they
	mean.  Sometimes he'll think he's talking, but there will be
	no physical corollary, and sometimes he'll just say things
	and not realize he's talking.  We don't know at this point
	how much of the aphasia is permanent and how much will
	disappear when he really becomes lucid and conscious;
	there's really no way of knowing at this point.

	We've found his glasses, and will be reframing them tomorrow
	and letting him use them to see if it improves his
	understanding of his surroundings, and if maybe he can read.
	He may be able to read better than listen, or the other way
	around; we really won't know for a while.

	  Thanks again to everyone who's read this and prayed.
	  It helps more than you realize.  We'll get him back.
		   -- Jefro

	The CuD folks are collating email messages for Brendan:
	instructions are: We urge readers to send him a card.  We
	will be collecting the notes that come in wishing him well
	via e-mail, and send them to him in about two weeks.  So, if
	you want to send him an E-note, send it to us:
	(tk0jut2 at with the subject header: TO BRENDAN

	(thanks to the CUD folks and Brendans friends and coworkers at
	Cygnus for portions of this text)


	Submissions to the Computer Underground Digest archives are still
	welcome and encouraged; please write cudarch at

If this is not what you wanted to do, please mail Ben Liddicott
at b.liddicott at without #finger in the subject line.
To receive the help file, send mail with #help in the subject line.

You may receive mail about other free services.  It's not very
likely though.


Obcasniky OMICRON-ECHO vydava vyukove a poradenske sdruzeni OMICRON. Autori
souhlasi s jejich elekronickym kopirovanim a vyuzivanim vyhradne pro osobni
nevydelecnou potrebu. Elektronicke zverejnovani odbornych casti obcasniku je
mozne pouze pri zachovani uplnosti textu a uvedenim autorske citace. Jine
vyuziti podminuji autori svym souhlasem.


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