PC-TCP & winsock.dll

Jiri Kvarda KVARDA at vc.cvut.cz
Mon Jan 24 08:06:38 CET 1994

> Pouzivam PCTCP 2.1 (pres NDIS+dis_pkt.gup shim i Crynwr packet driver)
> a rad bych pouzival programy vyuzivajici winsock.dll.
> Pokousel jsem se nainstaloval Trumpet Winsock, ale jakmile byl pritomen
> kernel PCTCP, winsock se neinicializoval. Pokud jsem pouzil Crynwr a
> winpkt.exe bez PCTCP slo vse bez problemu.
> Ma nekdo s timto nejakou zkusenost ?

K PCTCP by mel byt vlastni WINSOCK.DLL . Ten je mozne stahnout z ftp.com nebo
vax.ftp.com . Mam ale dojem, ze to ma hacek v tom, ze je potreba prejit na
verzi 2.2. WINSOCK.DLL pro verzi 2.1 sice take existuje, ale ma mnoho chyb a
mnoho lidi si na nej stezuje.
Trumpet Winsock a nejaky jiny TCP/IP stack samozrejme nelze pouzit zaroven nad
jednim packet driverem. Nad NDIS nelze packet driver rozdelit na dva, ale pres
Crynwr packet driver by to slo:

FAQ Posting, 2/1/94

A-12. When do I need to use PKTMUX?

PKTMUX is needed to allow you to use more than one TCP/IP stack at the same
time. This is useful if you have applications that require different stacks.
Note that you do not need PKTMUX to run different protocols, since packet
drivers only look at packets in the protocol they're designed to handle,
and therefore you can use more than one of these at a time without conflict.
You also don't need PKTMUX if all your applications use the same TCP/IP stack.

PKTMUX works by looking at outgoing datagrams, and caching information on
source and destination ports and addresses. Using this information, PKTMUX
tries to sort incoming datagrams by TCP/IP stack. If it can't figure out
which stack to send a datagram to (as might be the case if you were running
a server application on a well-known port, and had not sent any outgoing
packets yet), PKTMUX will send the datagram to all stacks. If all stacks
do not complain about the datagram, PKTMUX will throw away the ensuing outgoing
ICMP error message, assuming that one of the stacks correctly received
the datagram. If all stacks complain, it will send a single ICMP message
and throw the rest away.

While PKTMUX does its job very well, there are some situations that it cannot
handle, such as port conflicts. If two applications open the same TCP port,
chaos is inevitable, and there is little that PKTMUX can do to help.

A-13. Can NDIS be used underneath multiple protocol stacks of the same type?
No. There is no equivalent to PKTMUX for NDIS.


S pozdravem
                     Jiri Kvarda
                    VC CVUT Praha

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