Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at
Sat Jun 25 16:05:34 CEST 1994

Dobry den,
jak je vidno z nasledujiciho, mame v HYTELNETu dalsi CZ knihovni zaznam.
Dojde i podobny zaznam pro SK?. Mozna, ze by nezaskodila podrobnejsi
informace o projektu CASLIN a o ceske a slovenske spolupraci na jeho
realizaci, kterou z nazvu predpokladam. S pozdravem
                                              Vladimir Vrabec
-------------------- Forwarded message --------------
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 1994 08:26:23 -0400
From: Peter Scott < at>
Subject: New File <CZ002> CASLIN Czech and Slovak Library Information Network
To: Multiple recipients of list HYTEL-L <HYTEL-L at KENTVM.BITNET>

          CASLIN Czech and Slovak Library Information Network

login: aluser
Enter your Internet address

Type "ENG" if you want ENGlish conversation.

To exit, type STOP

For those of you, who are interested in the progress of the CASLIN project
we announce the possibility of looking at our OPAC.  It is still only a test
sample loaded on a test machine, so it could be rather slow.

You have access just to the OPAC, there are only some 30.000 sample
records of Czech books from between 1983 and 1993.  Both data and
screens are in Czech, alternatively, the screens are also in English.
The code used for national characters is ISO 8859-2, so called ISO
Latin-2.  Some "telnet" software (e.g. MS-kermit) allows for translation
to Code Page 852 (so called PC Latin-2).

Please let us know your experience
                                               Iva.Pribramska at
                                                 System Librarian
June 15, 1994
-------------------- End of forwarded message --------------

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