Zdroje CESnetu

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz
Thu Mar 3 11:00:39 CET 1994

Dobry den,

>Kolegove & kolegyne,
>posilam aktualni verzi seznamu sluzeb, dostupnych v CESnetu. Od tohoto
>pocinu si slibuji nasledujici dva prinosy:
>1) Uzivatele se dozvedi, co je doma k dispozici, budou to pouzivat a
>   odlehci se permanentne pretizenym zahranicnim linkam.
>2) Spravci se zasmeji, jak nedokonale informace mam o sluzbach, o ktere se
>   staraji, a poslou mi aktualni informace. Ja je zahrnu do pristiho
>   vydani atd. atp.
>Jak uz jsem rekl, predstavuji si, ze aktualni verzi seznamu budu posilat v
>mesicnich intervalech. Veskere doplnujici informace (prosim jen od
>spravcu), namety na vylepseni, komentare, penezite i vecne dary vitam. Pro
>ty z nas, kteri jsou odkazani na E-postu, zduraznuji, ze existuje ftpmail
>a gophermail (viz nize).

jmenem nas vsech dekuji za promptni poslani sluzeb CESNETu. Jako nespravce
mam tento namet:
Nebylo by dobre doplnit seznam i o ceske www servery? Jiz dlouhou dobu,
ceskou verejnosti nepozorovane, existuje na FU AV www server, jehoz uvodni
dokument ma URL http://www-hep.fzu.cz/Welcome.html. Spravcem je oficialne
kolega JULIUS HRIVNAC. Na tento server jsme prisli loni na jare na
omicronovskych kurzech pri probirani WWW a jeho procvicovani. Nevim sice
zda tento server patri do CESNETu, ale v kazdem pripade je serverem domeny
"cz" s plnou konektivitou. Asi by bylo dobre CESNET a jeho prvky - pocitace
definovat a bez ohledu zda poskytuji sluzby udrzovat nekde jejich seznam.
Prikladam prislusne www-dokumenty. Zdravi
                                           Vladimir Vrabec

                                   EPP AS CR

Elementary Particle Physics Division[1],     Institute of Physics, Academy od
Sciences,     Prague, Czech Republic


    What we have here:

  Links to laboratories, we collaborate with:
                         CERN[2] and     DESY[3].

  Informations about projects, we participate in:
                         Atlas[4],      Delphi[5] and     H1[6].

  Physicists:            You can find information about     Czech and Slovaks[7]
                             working in Elementary Particle Physcs.

  Some other interesting sources of information:
                         Spires[8],     where you can find information about
                         preprints, publications and people.     Similar
                         database in CERN is     Alice[9].     LANL[10]
                         Physics Information Service is place where known
                         preprint databases are stored.     FreeHEP[11],
                         where you find information about all the software
                         useful in High Energy Physics.     All software from
                         Internet can be found by     Archie[12]         Most of
                         the manuals of the     CERNlib[13]             is
                         already available too.

  Any news ?             Of course, here is     Internet News[14].     CERN
                         News[15]     comes straight from CERN.

  FAQ:                   Much important information you can also get from the
                           FAQ[16]     files (Frequently Asked Questions).

  Politics, Society:     The News from the Czech Republic can be found in the
                           Carolina[17]     magazine, which is published weekly
                         by students from the Charles' University      in
                         Prague.     News from the (former) Eastern Europe can
                         be found in the Daily Digest from the Radio      Free

  Other sources of information:
                         We have also list of other interesting     Servers and
                         Documents[19]     from WWW, which we found.     If we
                         find some interesting      document[20],     we will
                         place it here too.

  Hypermedia:            If you are in a Windows, you can look at some
                         pictures, movies and sounds[21].

  Our private Home-Page:
                         We have also our     local[22]     informations and
                         news. Many of them are in czech.

------------------------ dokument J.H.[23]4/1/94 ----------------------------

                                 JULIUS HRIVNAC


Atlas : B-Physics

      E-mail:  hrivnac at cernvm.cern.ch, hrivnac at hp10.fzu.cs

      phone:  ++42-2-6605-2159


--------------------------- konec J.H.[23]4/1/94 ----------------------------

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