Novy mailing list Parallel Computing, uucp problem

Martin Bily bily at
Thu Mar 24 08:04:03 CET 1994

Dobre rano,

behem dnesni noci probehlo konferenci net vlivem chybne konfigurace
postovniho systemu u jednoho z ucastniku konference nekolik zprav
o nedorucitelnosti prispevku. Dotycneho jsem prozatim z konference
odhlasil. Doufam, ze to byl ten spravny :-).

V posledni dobe se zde rovnez objevuji prispevky, ktere s naplni
konference maji malo spolecneho. Prosim potencialni autory podobnych
dopisu, aby zvazili, do ktere konference jej posilaji. Pokud citite,
ze snad neexistuje tuzemska konference venujici se dotycnym tematum,
muzeme ji zalozit. Pripadne namety prosim posilejte primo na moji
adresu. Bude-li jich dle meho nazoru dostatek, konferenci zalozim.

Soucasne pripojuji ohlaseni nove konference. Povsimnete si prosim,
ze v konferenci se bude komunikovat anglicky. Omlouvam se tem, kteri
toto oznameni dostanou vice nez jednou.
                          Pekny den preje
                                  Martin Bily

Parallel Computing on MXserv at

This list is designed to be a forum for the discussion
on problems in the area of parallel computing, namely on

   - HW and SW architectures of parallel machines,
     including virtual ones (e.g. PVM),
   - parallel and distributed programming, algorithms, and languages,
   - applications of parallel computing in science and engineering.

The list should also serve to

   - keep the subscribers informed about important events
     in parallel computing in the world,
   - help subscribers to organize events in central Europe and
     keep them informed about activities in this region.

The list is open to researchers, educators, engineers, students,
and other interested persons from academia and industry.

The official language of the list is English.

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Editor: Pavel Tvrdik                     Manager: Martin Bily
        tvrdik at                    bily at
        tvrdik at

                         Dept. of Computer Science
                         Czech Technical University
                         Karlovo nam. 13
                         121 35 Prague 2
                         Czech Republic

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