vra> nethlp.zip

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz
Tue Oct 11 16:23:31 CET 1994

snad privitate dalsi internetovsky help pro Windows. Je zarazen na
omicronovskem gopheru a jeho URL je
(uzivatele gophermailu ho ziskaji kodovany uu konverzi).
S pozdravem
             Vladimir Vrabec

Date: Sat, 01 Oct 1994 17:44:41 -0400
From: John Iliff <p00710 at psilink.com>

It is with a considerable degree of trepidation that I mention this to all
of you experts on nettrain. I developed a very brief explanation of the
Internet for my public library patrons in a Windows help file, i.e a
file that works like any Microsoft Windows help program.  I did this
to help alleviate the many questions we were getting about the nets as
a result of our Internet reference service.  The file's been pretty popular,
and I've benefitted very much from input to improve it.  I think it's still
in a "not yet ready for prime time" state,  but have it available for
anonymous ftp at snoopy.tblc.lib.fl.us in the /pub directory.

I'd appreciate any input.  We had some folks considering using the file for
money making purposes, so we, i.e. my library, reserved rights to the file
(not because it is spectacular but because we wanted to offer the
information for FREE.)  However, if anyone wants to reproduce the file
for nonprofit purposes we'd be flattered beyond belief.


   J Iliff
   on Coquina Key, FL

Pinellas Park Public Library                   E-Mail
7770 52nd Street
Pinellas Park, FL 34665                    p00710 at psilink.com
(813) 541-0719 (fax) 541-0818


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