News servery ve svete ?

Martin Molhanec Ing. K313 MOLHANEC at
Thu Feb 9 14:31:27 CET 1995

	Hi !
> >
> Nejlepe nejblizsim gopherem, ktery neni puritan a bere vse:
> URL: gopher://

	Tak teda nevim zkousel jsem ping na a nic. Zkousel
jsem i a taky nic ?

	Neni to nejaka spatna adresa ?


*  Ing. Martin Molhanec            voice: (+42 2) 2435 2118          *
*            Czech Technical University in Prague                    *
*  Faculty of Electrotechnics      fax:   (+42 2) 311 7498           *
*  Department of Electrotechnology Internet: molhanec at   *
*  Technicka 2                     Bitnet:   molhanec at csearn         *
*  166 27  PRAHA 6, Dejvice        Fidonet:  2:420/12.102            *
*                  C Z E C H   R E P U B L I C                       *

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