vra> Netbook

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz
Fri Mar 3 16:40:34 CET 1995

Vazeni pratele,

nize citovanou a dlouho v Internetu ocekavanou knihu Michaela a Rondy
Haubenovych jsme zaradili na omicronovsky gopher do menu
"NET Treasures..." s nazvem
"Michael Hauben and Ronda Hauben's Netbook"
(URL: gopher://omicron.felk.cvut.cz:70/11/archiv/netbook).
S pranim prijemneho vikendu zdravi
                                    Vladimir Vrabec

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 11:47:56 -0500
SENDER: Ronda Hauben <ronda at panix.com>
Subject: The Netizens and the Wonderful World of the Net - online book

The netbook "The Netizens and the Wonderful World of the Net: An
Anthology on the History and Impact of the Net" is available via www,
ftp and gopher.




Anonymous FTP:


Ronda Hauben       The Amateur Computerist    au329 at cleveland.freenet.edu
  vol 6 no 1 Winter/Spring 1994 Celebrated the 25th Anniversary of Unix
          with interviews with John Lions and Berkley Tague
    articles on the history of Unix and of Usenet, article on linux etc.

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