ELM 2.4ME+
Jan Prikryl
prikryl at sgi.felk.cvut.cz
Wed Sep 11 16:37:31 CEST 1996
> Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 14:59:18 +0200
> To: net at cs
> From: uhlar at ccduck.ke.sanet.sk (Matus Uhlar)
> Subject: Re: ELM 2.4ME+
> Je to nadhera, podarilo sa to niekomu uz stiahnut ? mne nie. je tam uz aj
> 26 mimochodom. Ak to dakto stiahne mohol by to hodit niekam na FTP, FSP
> alebo podobne ? A napisat sem kde to je...
Mezitim jsem se optal na FTP zrcadla:
| It does seem that funet is behind, as PL23 is the last patch.
| (did you notify ftp.funet.fi so they can check their mirror?)
FUNET neni mirror, ale Karri Hurtta, autor ME+, je zasobuje sam,
tentokrat na to pry zapomnel, ale nez bude zase vse v poradku,
asi to potrva (dnes je tam stale posledni PL22).
| From my elm-pgp-patch page
| 'http://www-cvr.ai.uiuc.edu/~knickels/elm.pgp.html'
| As of Sep-8-1996, the following sites had the patches (up to PL25)...
| ftp://dionysos.fmi.fi/KEH/. [Finland, Main Site]
| ftp://ftp.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/unix/comm/mail/elm/KEH/.
| [Germany, Stuttgart, Mirror]
| ftp://ftp.ibp.fr:/pub/unix/mail/elm-me/
| [France, Mirror] (Refuses Web Browser
| connections, use ftp directly)
| Kevin Nickels - knickels at uiuc.edu
A jeste je jedno zrcadlo:
ktere Kevinovi v jeho prehledu chybi. PL26 je tam taky.
Pokud by byl vetsi zajem, muzu to ozrcadlit do Prahy, misto bych
na to nekde nasel.
-- JP
Jan Prikryl honzo on IRC
postgraduate student E-mail: <prikryl at sgi.felk.cvut.cz>
Department of Computer Science Tel: +42 2 24357417
FEE CTU Prague, Czech Republic Fax: +42 2 298098
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