monitorovanie zataze liniek
Dusan Malik
malik at
Mon Jul 14 16:12:31 CEST 1997
At 15:58 13.7.1997 +0200, you wrote:
>In was written by Matus Uhlar <uhlar at>:
>-> hladame SW ktory by dokazal monitorovat zataz liniek pripadne vyuzivanie
>-> linky ktorou sme pripojeni jednotlivymi sietami. routujeme to cez CISCO
>nemienim monitorovat jednotlive porty... mame trebars po meste natiahnuty
>ethernet a potrebujeme zistovat nakolko niektore IP/subsiete odtial vytazuju
>nasu linku von. To znamena, zrejme zapnut accounting na danom porte na
>CISCU, pravidelne stahovat a cistit data, prefiltrovat jednak na dane
>subsiete (moze byt ip a subsieti viac, u viac zakaznikov) a este odfiltrovat
>tie data ktore idu z mesta (lokalna trafika ma nezaujima).
>Problem je ten ze CISCO robi IP accounting len pre data ktore z neho
>odchadzaju, roztriedene podla portov. a ja by som prave potreboval
>zistovat to co prichadza z jedneho portu a to z linky von.
>Teoreticky by sa dalo predsunut jedno CISCO ktore by IBA forwardovalo pakety
>a pamatalo si kolko prichadza kam zvonka, ale je to trosku divoke riesenie.
>Preto sa zaujimam ci niekde nie je tento problem uz vyrieseny...verim tomu
>ze nie sme jedini kde maju takyto problem.
Nie som odbornik, ale spusta programatorov, ktori vedia o co ide vymyslela
pomocne prg. napr. anyspeed.exe.Vyhovuje? Mam matny dojem, ze som pred
casom videl (dokonca i graficky) lepsi vyssledok monitoringu sieti, resp.
ja ako klient som si mohol nastavit cestu, ktora ma byt monitorovana
a dostal som vysledok v tabulke, alebo grafe.
Skuste !!!!!!
Any Speed version 1.1 for Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0
(C) 1997 PY Software, Inc.
yellow at
Any Speed helps you to define the data transfer speed in a
With this program you can measure the real transfer speed
between Internet provider and your computer and define
the time when Internet speed is highest.
Also Any Speed can measure speed of a local network or a
CD ROM driver, and shows the results in a graphical kind.
Any Speed puts the results in the trend file and can build
the trend chart of any day.
Any Speed allows you to connect to a Dial-Up Network with
much greater ease. It will automatically press connect for
you on the Connect To dialog box.
With AnySpeed you can run a programs when network speed has
some value. For instance it allows you to run Microsoft
Exchange when network connection is established.
For further information open the ANYSPEED.HLP file.
System Requirements:
80386/486 based IBM PC compatible computer (or higher).
4MB of free memory;
2MB free disk space;
Microsoft Windows 95, or Windows NT 4.0;
A mouse;
A color monitor with a VGA card is recommended.
Any Speed is distributed as Shareware. This is not Freeware or
Public Domain. You may use the shareware version for 30 days.
If after 30 days you would like to continue using it, then You
should purchase a licence. After you pay, you receive Registration
Name and Registration key from the author to tell Any Speed that
you have paid the shareware fee.
Paying for Any Speed is fairly simple. Open the Register program, that
accompanies Any Speed, by starting up the file REGISTER.EXE. Enter your
name, your email address, and the number of single user licenses you
desire for each program you wish to purchase. Save or Copy or Print
the data from the Register program and send the data and payment
to Kagi Shareware. For further information open the REGISTER.HLP file.
Email: shareware at
FAX: +1 510 652 6589
Postal address:
Kagi Shareware
1442-A Walnut Street #392-PZ
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
The fee for registered version of Any Speed is:
single license $9.00;
site license $190.00;
world-wide license $990.00;
Create a new directory (e.g. \ANYSPEED) and unzip the ANYSPD11.ZIP
file to it. You can also unzip the file to any existing
directories on your system if you wish.
Then add Any Speed to your Startup group (folder) by right
clicking on the Start folder and selecting explore. Go to
/windows/start/programs/startup and put the shortcut
of ANYSPEED.EXE in the folder.
The program does not place any of parts in the Windows system directories
and does not modified Windows libraries.
Start ANYSPEED.EXE from Windows enviroment (by double click in
Explorer for example).
Distribution terms:
Any Speed may be distributed freely in its original unmodified and
unregistered form. The distribution have to include all files of its
original distribution.
anyspeed exe
anyspeed hlp
readme txt
register exe
register hlp
Distributors may not charge any money for it, while
they may charge money for the medium (online-time, cd-rom etc.).
If you like to bundle Any Speed with other programs, goods, services,
etc. you are selling in a registered form please feel free to contact me
at: <yellow at> to figure out the conditions.
Disclaimer of warranty:
This software is sold "as is" and without warranties whether expressed or
implied. Because of the various software and hardware environments into
which this program may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular
purpose is offered.
Dusan Malik
e-mail : malik at
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