Diakritika tentokrat:-) v nazvu prilohy

Vladimír Solnický {Vladimir Solnicky} vs at utia.cas.cz
Tue Feb 24 10:53:40 CET 1998

Cela diskuse je tom, zda je mozno a zda je specifikovano jak zadavat
hodnoty parametru MIME tak, aby obsahovaly narodni znaky. Osobne si
myslim, ze diskuse patri spise do el. konference InetNLS at utia.cas.cz,
proto tam posilam kopii.

On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Hynek Med wrote:

> On 23 Feb 1998, Jaroslav Cibulka wrote:
> > %subj% povazuji za zhuverilost
> > - je to ale nekde specifikovane ???
> V RFC o MIME, sekce o diakritice v hlavickach, ne?

Spravna pripominka -- myslim, ze se toho tyka nasledujici:

RFC 2047:

   These are the ONLY locations where an 'encoded-word' may appear.  In

   + An 'encoded-word' MUST NOT appear in any portion of an 'addr-spec'.

   + An 'encoded-word' MUST NOT appear within a 'quoted-string'.

   + An 'encoded-word' MUST NOT be used in a Received header field.

   + An 'encoded-word' MUST NOT be used in parameter of a MIME
     Content-Type or Content-Disposition field, or in any structured
     field body except within a 'comment' or 'phrase'.

Druhý a poslední bod obzvlaste (tj. mnohe produkty MS a jinych porusuji
RFC, alespon jak ja ho chapu). 

Jak to delat popisuje RFC 2231 (kategorie Standard track):

4.  Parameter Value Character Set and Language Information

   Some parameter values may need to be qualified with character set or
   language information.  It is clear that a distinguished parameter
   name is needed to identify when this information is present along
   with a specific syntax for the information in the value itself.  In
   addition, a lightweight encoding mechanism is needed to accommodate 8
   bit information in parameter values.

   Asterisks ("*") are reused to provide the indicator that language and
   character set information is present and encoding is being used. A
   single quote ("'") is used to delimit the character set and language
   information at the beginning of the parameter value. Percent signs
   ("%") are used as the encoding flag, which agrees with RFC 2047.

   Specifically, an asterisk at the end of a parameter name acts as an
   indicator that character set and language information may appear at
   the beginning of the parameter value. A single quote is used to
   separate the character set, language, and actual value information in
   the parameter value string, and an percent sign is used to flag
   octets encoded in hexadecimal.  For example:

        Content-Type: application/x-stuff;

   Note that it is perfectly permissible to leave either the character
   set or language field blank.  Note also that the single quote
   delimiters MUST be present even when one of the field values is
   omitted.  This is done when either character set, language, or both
   are not relevant to the parameter value at hand.  This MUST NOT be
   done in order to indicate a default character set or language --
   parameter field definitions MUST NOT assign a default character set
   or language.


Toto neni vycerpavajici popis (tim jsou snad zminena RFC), ale dava hruby
nastin, jak to ma vypadat. Muzete informovat vyrobce Vaseho SW (ja, kdyz
uz jsem si takto utvrdil dojem, ktery jsem mel po zbeznem proletnuti, asi
take napisi dotaz ohledne planu na implementaci).

Preji Vam pekny den.

V. S.

Vladimír Solnický, ÚTIA AV ČR, Pod vodárenskou věží 4, 182 08 Praha, CZ,
vs+mail at utia.cas.cz, klíče PGP via ,,SEND PGP KEY`` v předmětu dopisu.
Píši pouze za sebe, ne za ÚTIA. / Speaking for myself only ...

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