save 50% to 60% over retail

m3condo at m3condo at
Sat Apr 24 01:35:04 CEST 1999

The reason why you can get such great savings is because we cut out the stores.

Here are two examples;
#1 our price $50
store markup (typical) 100% to 125%
retail price $100 to $125

Your savings $50 to $75

#2 our price $100
store markup (typical) 100% to 150%
retail price $200 to $250

Your savings $100 to $150

Remember you pay NO sales tax and even with shipping costs your savings are tremendous

We have a product line that consists of over 400 items, that range from;
furniture, decorative home accessories, lamps, mirrors, gifts, and gift baskets

We do have a $40 membership fee that will be more than compensated for in the savings you will

After receiving our product line info, if you do not like it, simply email us with your account number and
your membership fee will be immediately refunded

You have nothing to loose, and everything to save, So please give us a try

BSUI, Inc. is a 22 year old company, that has always satisfied its' customers.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover
You may e mail your order, fax your order to 850 230 1969
or if you prefer simply mail it in to us;
BSUI, Inc.
11483 Front Beach Road
Tower I Unit 912
Panama City Beach, Fla. 32407


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