Linux opet pomalejsi nez NT? Re: PHP

Ladislav Dobias L.Dobias at
Wed Jun 30 18:28:58 CEST 1999

Dobry den.

> > 200 InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.2
> > 21-Jan-1999 ready (posting ok).
> Connecting to host
> 200 NNTP Service Microsoft(R) Internet Services 5.00 Version: 5.0.2068.0 Posting Allowed
> Asi ctou tuhle konf. a rychle to preinstalovali :)))
> A nebo spise jste to testoval pred pul rokem (21-Jan-1999
> ready) a to jeste NT5 nebyly.

Ne, ja to taky testoval vcera ci prevcirem (28-29.6.1999) a
byl tam INN (asi linux).

Asi ctou tuto konferenci nebo treba linux-kernel, tam to
taky bylo... :-)

Lada Dobias


  ##       ##   #####   #####            Ladislav DOBIAS
  ##      ####  ##  ## ##O-O##         Xdobiasl at
  ##     ##  ## ##  ## ## > ##   <>
  ##     ###### ##  ## ## v ##   I study Czech Technical University,
  ###### ##  ## #####   #####      Faculty of Electrical Engeneering


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