Skript na zmenu velikosti jpg

Daniel Mihalyi mihalyi at
Sun Jul 23 07:03:25 CEST 2000

In cz.comp.linux "LUKEŠ s.r.o." <lukes at> wrote:
> Potrebuju skript, ktery by automaticky menil velikost
> jpg souboru. Konkretne kdyz mi nekdo pres www
> formular posle jpg, tak se zpracuje PHPckem
> (ulozim do databaze apod.) a v ramci toho ho prave
> potrebuju prohnat nejakym skriptem ci programem, ktery
> z nej vytvori nahled (ktery pak taktez ulozim do databaze).
Skuste "convert" z baliku imagemagic

convert(1)                                             convert(1)

       convert - converts an input file using one image format to
       an output file with the same or differing image format.


Napriklad, zmensienie o 25%

/usr/X11R6/bin/convert -geometry 25% povodny.jpg zmenseny.jpg

			S pozdravom

\|/ ____ \|/   _  Daniel Mihalyi      Department of Computers and Informatics
"@'/ .. \'@"  | \ _.._ o _ || _       PGP5: finger mihalyi at
/_| \__/ |_\  |_/(_|| ||(/_||(_)                       email: mihalyi at

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