Zda se, ze americky ISP Verizon cenzuruje e-maily svych zakazniku a jeste lze

Martin Mačok martin.macok at underground.cz
Mon Jan 17 12:21:34 CET 2005

On Sat, Jan 15, 2005 at 08:30:51PM +0100, totojepast wrote:

> Prekvapily me zpravy v americkych a britskych mediich o tom, ze
> americky ISP Verizonu blokuje veskery prichozi e-mailovy provoz
> z Evropy.

Je to tak:

Nezda se, ze by Verizon lhal, viz citace:

``Verizon three million DSL customers waiting for emails from Europe
  were advised to use alternative forms of communication. "If it's
  really important you might want to make a phone call," [Verizon
  media relations manager Ells Edwards] said.''

Vice informaci take na

Martin Mačok
ICT Security Consultant

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