z - compress

Miroslav Renda renda at feld.cvut.cz
Thu Jul 25 15:06:08 CEST 1996

Oldrich Juza wrote:
> Stahl jsem si ze site soubor s koncovkou .z a neumim ho rozpakovat.

S UNIXovymi soubory s koncovkou .z a se soubory v mnoha dalsich
formatech si na platforme Windows (soude dle Vaseho maileru) nejlepe
poradi program Winzip.
Najdete ho na zrcadlech Simtelu nebo Winsitu, treba:

http://www.zcu.cz/ftp/pub/winsite/win95/miscutil/winzip95.exe (32-bit)
http://www.zcu.cz/ftp/pub/winsite/win3/util/winzip56.exe (16 bit)

V jeho helpu najdete:

TAR, Z, GZ, TAZ, and TGZ files are often found on Unix-based Internet
sites.  The relationship between these file types is less
straightforward than the aforementioned file formats.  The important
thing to remember is that WinZip handles all these formats the same way
as Zip files, so you don't need to know the details.  Here is more
information on these formats:  TAR stands for "Tape ARchive".  This is
an old file format and does not provide compression; it is used only to
group files.  Z files are compressed with gzip or the older Unix
"compress" program.  GZ files are gzip files.  Z and GZ files cannot
contain multiple files.  TAZ and TGZ files are TAR files compressed in
"Z" or "GZ" format.  Since almost all new archives are created in Zip
format WinZip does not provide facilities to add to or create files in
these formats (however, all other WinZip functions are supported).
WinZip does not require external programs when working with files in
these formats.

    Miroslav Renda                          renda at feld.cvut.cz
    FEL-CVUT                                Room:      B2/719
    Technicka 2                             Phone:  +42 2 2435 2232
    166 27 Prague 6

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