Fido <---> Internet

Matus Uhlar uhlar at
Sat Oct 4 12:51:17 CEST 1997

In was written by Skolsky urad Decin <su3502dc at>:
-> Dale existuji na FIDU konference (tzv. echomaily) na ktere se asi
-> ptate. Na Inetu lze tyto konference pouze cist pres news, myslim, ze
-> je to Bohuzel jsou pouze read only, protoze konference
-> na FIDU jsou velmi prisne moderovane, coz by se na Inetu dalo velmi
-> spatne zaridit.

Co by sa dalo tazko zariadit ? aby newsy z internetu boli poslane spravcom
fido konferencii ?
 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, sysadmin of one server at SANET Kosice, Slovakia
 E-mail: Matus.Uhlar at ; WWW:
 And don't forget: I work for SANET, but talk for myself, dude... ;-)

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