Dalsi legracni post... uz ne tak moc k smichu

Ross Hedvicek ross at olsusa.com
Tue Oct 21 22:48:22 CEST 1997

From: ib <czechusa at erols.com>
Subject: Czech judicial nihilisn: Jakes & victims of communism
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 23:53:11 +0000

Senator Zantovsky of F-18 demo flying fame sharply silenced Dr. Marik
and others at just concluded Czech embassy sponsored, arranged for, and
paid "spontaneous" get-together of selected "good-countrymen" while
explaining that their is supposedly political will at the current Czech
political leadership to address at least the most blatant injustices
including victims of communism who wish to entertein their basic rights:
apply legally for Czech citizenship, apply legally for return of stolen
property, etc.

Sen. Zantovsky claimed that "due process" cannot be rushed and asked for
 yet another blank check by trusting his presentation that things are
moving. While many remember late Amb. Klimova irritated reaction on
exile organizations' representatives mentioning restitution of property
more then six years ago ("nehazejte nam klacky pod nohy"), any movement
in a true political will in current Prague leadership were very slow in
comming over those past six years. Being exposed to unpleasant facts,
Czech politicians always put on a polite and conciliatory, democracy and
justice appeciative face when talking in Washington, but coming back to
Prague, they ecome much more lukewarm and give in a "hardball",
anti-emmigrant tone at home. Before these "good gesture" olive waving
for example Deputy Chair of the Chamber of Deputies Mr. Vlach (ODS), who
has been meeting with a barrage of criticism wherever he and his group
turned around in the US stated for Prague Radio that it is is the CR
interest to change its attitudes toward exile. Not surprisingly, we did
not hear anything in follow up from Dr. Vlach on this important change
in political will.

While Amb. Vondra "explains" US Congress CSCE that "leave it to (Czech)
courts" is the way to (5-13-97) and Sen. Zantovsky sidetracks
straightforward question  about political will in the current CR
leadership by claiming that "it also takes some time for the US
legislative to adopt a new law", the facts are undeniable and speak with
the clear voice. Majority of Czech political leaders are outright in
disfavor or disinterested in any true justice to deal with the past and
building the right foundation for trully democratic, just, and thus also
prosperous future for the country.

Communist honchos are privatizing, packing themselves and their heirs,
tunneling out banks and investment funds. And "political will" of
supposed democrats in the CR leadership is nowhere to be seen for
communist membership majority infested judicicial ranks that "cannot
find enough evidence" agains Jakes, Lenart, and others who rapped the
nation. The same judicial system is very specific in forcing Communist
victims, especially those who found refuge abroad, to jump through
endless hoops to proove that the house and other property that has been
stolen from them was indeed their property.

Everyone knew what Jakes, Lenart, Bilak, Stepan, and like were and what
they have been doing. At the same token people knew who escaped to the
West and whose house Communist confiscated. Cynical presentation of
people who did not have any problem to study in North America during
post-68 "normalization", followed by cozy job at state-secret agency
wetted positions is not at all the right stuff that should fool US
Senators to believe that the current, often ex-communist, Prague leaders
are serious in their proclamations. Deeds speak loudly. Again.

The following is daily SLOVO article (10-21-97) about Communist boss
Jakes enjoying himself w/o any problem, while victims of Communism,
including fragile or mentally ill US citizens have no chance to get any

Diky soudum se Milous Jakes vesele rekreuje dal

Prvni dejstvi tohoto pribehu se odehrava v roce 1945. Po skonceni valky
se vraceji na svoji
usedlost v obci Belice manzele Jiraskovi, kteri z ni byli nasilne
vystehovani. Pokojne hospodari a
starnou. Snad by si ani nepovsimli, ze kolem vzniklo jakesi jednotne
zemedelske druzstvo, kdyby
nebylo stale se zvysujicich povinnych dodavek, ktere museli odvadet do
sypek chatrne
hospodariciho JZD. Manzele Jiraskovi s ohledem na vyssi vek i na
zdravotni stav v letech 1954 -
1956 tyto dodavky casem nebyli schopni plnit. A tak slo vsechno raz na
raz. MNV umistil
Jiraskovi do Domova duchodcu v Tvorsovicich, odkud pak ucinili nabidku
bezplatneho odevzdani
nemovitosti do vlastnictvi statu. Ceskoslovensky stat prijal a Rada MNV
v Belici rozhodla, ze
usedlost o vymere temer 11 hektaru byla predana k obhospodarovani
mistnimu JZD se sidlem v
Blazimi, vcetne lesnich porostu. Rok na to umira v Domove duchodcu pan
Jirasek a o devet let
pozdeji i pani Jiraskova.

Druhe dejstvi zacina o temer dvacet let pozdeji. Na scene se objevuje
ing. Milous Jakes, jinak
starsi syn vysokeho komunistickeho funkcionare. Mlady Milous je v te
dobe celnym
predstavitelem Mezinarodniho svazu studentstva. V roce 1975 kupuje
nemovitost manzelu
Jiraskovych a soucasne mu je zrizeno pravo osobniho uzivani pozemku. Vse
slo raz na raz. Je
sepsana kupni smlouva, ktera stanovi na zaklade "znaleckeho" posudku
cenu nemovitosti na 14
tisic korun, coz bylo zhruba 30 % tehdejsiho skutecneho odhadu. Za
pozemky zaplatil mlady
Milous Jakes podobny pakatel - jeden tisic Kcs a nejake drobne, tedy asi
12 a pul procenta ceny

Treti dejstvi na sebe nechava cekat opet nejakych tech dvacet let. V
roce 1992 totiz podava pan
Vaclav Pesek, synovec manzelu Jiraskovych, zalobu u Okresniho soudu v
Benesove o urceni
prechodu vlastnickeho prava k nemovitostem a vydani veci. Zaloba se
opira predevsim o fakt, ze
nemovitost byla darovana v tisni a ze Milous Jakes junior nabyl
nemovitost na zaklade
protipravniho zvyhodneni ve smyslu restitucnich zakonu. Soud zalobu
prijima, narizuje jednani,
uznava opravnenost zaloby a v listopadu 1994 rozhoduje ve prospech

Nasleduje dejstvi ctvrte. Milous Jakes se odvolava. Krajsky soud v Praze
za rizeni JUDr. Ivany
Zlatohlavkove ma pro Milouse vice pochopeni: ze vcelku malichernych
duvodu rusi rozsudek
Okresniho soudu a vraci causu k dosetreni do Benesova. Okresni soud v
Benesove provede
pozadovane doplneni a v listopadu 1996 znovu potvrzuje svuj puvodni
rozsudek - vlastnicke
pravo k predmetne nemovitosti, ktera je ve vlastnictvi zalovaneho ing.
Milouse Jakese prechazi na
zalobce Vaclava Peska.

Myli se, kdo si mysli, ze je vsemu konec. Milous se opet odvolava, a to
v prosinci 1996.
Krajskemu soudu to trva tentokrat trictvrte roku nez dne 16 .9. 1997
jednani - odroci. Pan
Vaclav Pesek dostava zpravu, ze bude treba ve stredu 22. rijna 1997
znovu prohlednout
predmetne nemovitosti. O ucte k pravnimu radu svedci mimo jine i to, ze
pravni zastupce Vaclava
Peska o podobne prohlidce neni vubec vyrozumen. Mozna, ze by na miste
jenom prekazel.

Zatimco cas padi, Milous se vesele rekreuje dal.


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