CERN European Laboratory for Particle Physics

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Welcome to the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, located near Geneva in Switzerland and France. CERN is the birthplace of the World-Wide Web.

The WWW support team provides a set of Services to the physics experiments and the lab.

About the Laboratory

Help and General information, Divisions, groups and activities (structure), Scientific Committees, Visits Service, CERN Courier, Safety guide for experiments, Education Services, Recruitment and Vacancies.
Directories (phone & email, services & people), Buildings - Scientific Information Service (library, archives or Alice), Preprints.
Agenda and News:
Press Releases, News from the Users' Office, current Seminars, CERN Schools & Conferences, internal Newsletters, internal CERN news and Other news.

Hot News

Linac96, XVIII International Linac Conference, CERN, Geneva
LEP 1.5 (Events), CERN takes off for higher energies
Older News, Hot News (older items)

Latest Additions

Travel Agent Carlson Wagonlit, CERN On-Site travel agency
RPC, Resistive Plate Chamber
BHT, The Budget Holder's Toolkit


Proton Synchrotron (PS), Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), Large Electron Positron (LEP) Collider and other Accelerator Information.
The current on-line state of the machines: accelerators, detectors etc.
Computing and Network (CN) Division provides information on Computing facilities at CERN.
List of CERN's experiments, including the LEP, North- and West Area experiments.
The Large Hadron Collider, recently approved. CERN's next big accelerator.
Research and Development
Information on the research and development for LHC and its experiments.
Systems and Services
Information on services (hardware as well as software) offered to the divisions and experiments of CERN.
Technology and Industry
Technological upportunities for Industry.
Theoretical physics
Information about the theoretical physics division at CERN.

About Physics

Conferences, schools and workshops.
High-Energy Physics Laboratories around the world, Physics web info.
Other Servers:
Particle Data Group server.

Other Subjects

Non Physics Conferences.
CERN WWW Service, General WWW info.
by subject, geographical and access method. Other Virtual Libraries.

Tue Dec 12 15:49:20 MET 1995, CERN WWW Service
Copyright CERN 1995 -- European Laboratory for Particle Physics