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Welcome to the European Laboratory for
Particle Physics, located near
Geneva in
Switzerland and
CERN is the birthplace of the
World-Wide Web.
The WWW support team
provides a set of Services
to the physics experiments and the lab.
- General:
Help and
General information,
Divisions, groups and activities
Scientific Committees,
Visits Service,
CERN Courier,
Safety guide for experiments,
Education Services,
Recruitment and Vacancies.
- Databases:
(phone & email, services & people),
Buildings -
Scientific Information Service (library, archives or Alice),
- Agenda and News:
Press Releases,
News from the Users' Office,
CERN Schools & Conferences,
internal Newsletters,
internal CERN news
and Other news.
- Linac96, XVIII International Linac Conference, CERN, Geneva
- LEP 1.5 (Events), CERN takes off for higher energies
- Older News, Hot News (older items)
- Travel Agent Carlson Wagonlit, CERN On-Site travel agency
- RPC, Resistive Plate Chamber
- BHT, The Budget Holder's Toolkit
- Accelerators
Proton Synchrotron (PS), Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS),
Large Electron Positron (LEP) Collider and other Accelerator Information.
- Status
The current on-line state of the machines: accelerators, detectors etc.
- Computing
Computing and Network (CN) Division provides information on Computing
facilities at CERN.
- Experiments
List of CERN's experiments, including the LEP, North- and West Area
The Large Hadron Collider, recently approved.
CERN's next big accelerator.
- Research and Development
Information on the research and development for LHC and its experiments.
- Systems and Services
Information on services (hardware as well as software) offered
to the divisions and experiments of CERN.
- Technology and Industry
Technological upportunities for Industry.
- Theoretical physics
Information about the theoretical physics division at CERN.
- General:
schools and workshops.
- Lists:
High-Energy Physics Laboratories
around the world,
Physics web info.
- Other Servers:
Particle Data Group server.
- General:
Non Physics Conferences.
- WWW:
CERN WWW Service,
General WWW info.
- Catalogues:
- by
geographical and
access method.
Virtual Libraries.
Tue Dec 12 15:49:20 MET 1995, CERN WWW Service
Copyright CERN 1995 -- European Laboratory for Particle Physics