--] Servers in FELK.CVUT.CZ domain. --] Our users' WWW page .

Welcome to the OMICRON www server!

OMICRON is an Internet training and consulting association cooperating with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Karlovo nam. 13, 121 35 Prague 2, Czech Republic.
This server offers information in Czech or English .
The last update: 951210, the last hot-line article: 95120101.
The server usage.

For comments or questions send mail to omicron@cs.felk.cvut.cz.

OMICRON pages editor:
Vladimir Vrabec, e-mail: vrabec@cs.felk.cvut.cz.

Since 8-dec-1995 you are guest number:


Budte vitani na omicronovskem www serveru!

OMICRON je vyukove a poradenske sdruzeni zamerene na Internet a spolupracujici s katedrou pocitacu Fakulty elektrotechnicke CVUT, Karlovo nam. 13, Praha 2, Ceska republika.
Tento server nabizi informace v cestine nebo anglictine .
Posledni aktualizace: 951210, posledni zprava horke linky: 95120101
Vyuziti serveru.

Poznamky a dotazy zasilejte na e-adresu omicron@cs.felk.cvut.cz.

Editor omicronovskeho serveru:
Vladimir Vrabec, e-mail: vrabec@cs.felk.cvut.cz.