Obr. 1 k minikurzu lekce 4
Obr. 1. Hlavička e-konference STR-SKOL
From: "L-Soft list server at CSEARN (1.8b)" <LISTSERV@EARN.CVUT.CZ>
Subject: File: "STR-SKOL LIST"
To: Vladimir Vrabec <vrabec@CS.FELK.CVUT.CZ>
* Diskuse na tema stredni skoly a Internet.
* Sizelim= 1500 Renewal= None
* Loopcheck= Full,record(20)
* Review= Public Subscription= Open
* Notify= No Reply-to= List,Ignore
* Ack = No Files=yes
* Validate= Store only Stats= Normal
* x-Tags= Comment
* Notebook= Yes,H,Monthly,Public
* Mail-via= Distribute
* Errors-to= Owner Formcheck= Yes
* Confidential= No
* Owner= spsst@csearn (Jakub Serych, Str. prum. skola spojove techniky
* Owner= Quiet:HH@aci.cvut.cz (Jan Haering)
* Total number of users subscribed to the list: 87
* Total number of local node users on the list: 10