World-Wide Web Servers

W3 servers

This is a list of some WWW servers. It does not include all servers, and note that one server machine can serve many databases. See also: background on WWW , and data available by other protocols , data by subject , how to make a new server , test servers . If servers are marker "experimental", you should not expect anything. The top of the list is in reverse chronological order of addition.
National Center for Supercomputing Applictions, Urbana Champain, IL, USA. Experimental.
Lyon, France.
Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (nuclear physics accelerator institute), Groningen, Netherlands. VMS server.
Center of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam. FTP server for hypertext, including Gnu TeXInfo stuff as hypertext.
Legal information: US Intellectual Property Statustes on line.
ZEUS experiment at DESY, Hamburg, Germany. [.At least 2 servers]
KEK, Tsukuba, Japan. Experimental only. [FTP hypertext, http server later)
DESY unix server
Experimental only as yet.
Denmark's Technical Library
The DTB information service includes the library system.
VOICE magazine
The first global online hypertext magazine? Ed. Tom Boutell
Stanford Linear Accelerator, California. HEP preprints database and LOTS more... also a unix server .
Technical University of Graz
Information service. Gateway to Hyper-G data.
CCIT Arizona
University of Arizona information
Documentation from online and offline groups. Also at FNAL, very experimental servers in Theory , D0 , HEPnet management , ACCESS user consultancy .
ASIS Software Repository
A server for public domain and CERN software for distribution to CERN members only. The documentation is public.
CERN news
Various groups, some more active than others - see the full list
CERN computing documents
A keyword index.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Information service - both in hebrew and English, asssumes a VT terminal with hebrew characters. See also their TeX database (July 1992).
Helsinki Technical University
HUT Information tree.
Experimental server (might move!) run by US HEPNet at FNAL.
Italian physics institute (experimental server)
FUNET information
Finnish Univerity Research Network.
The Dutch High-Energy Physics center.
Software Technology
Information from STING organised by Mike Sendall.
The VMS help tree on node .
WorldWideWeb support
information about W3 itself, CERN entry point, and web overviews.

Restricted or difficult access

The sunsite repository being set up bu UNC Chapel Hill. (Experimental)
Xerox PARC
Private: Access from only. System33 document server.
CIS Informationsdienst
The information service from the Centrum fuer Informations und Sprachverarbeitung von Muenchen (don't panic: they also have it in English !) Experimental, very slow line :-(. Times out.
OMT group
Private web.
Tim BL