
As the owner of an Ericsson
GA 628 or Ericsson GH 688 mobile telephone, you, too, can take
this great opportunity to use SuperSound when calling.
All you need to do is check the number on the manufacturer's label on your telephone.
After removing the battery, you will find a 98W14-type label.
If the number 15 or higher appears after the W on the manufacturer's label,
SuperSound is already active on your telephone, and you are already enjoying its
benefits when calling.
If a number lower than 14 appears after the W on the
manufacturer's label, or the number before the W is lower than 98, then it is necessary to
activate SuperSound on your telephone by means of a software upgrade.
This operation is a very simple one, and is not time-consuming. Certain equipment is
nonetheless required in order to carry it out. If you want to make use of SuperSound and
your telephone needs a software upgrade, simply visit one of the Ericsson
locations listed below anytime between March 1 and December 31, 1999, and your telephone
will be activated free of charge while you wait.
Ericsson, Budejovická 5, Praha 4, tel. 02/61194318
EBM, Jeseniova 47, Praha 3, 02/6442663
GS Mobil CZ, Milady Horákové 108/109, Praha 6, 02/24322268
EBM, Hybešova 43, Brno, 05/43128219
Intem, Petra z Ústí 18/16, Tábor, 0361/496111