
EuroTel announced that 1997 ended very successfully in all aspects of their business.
During 1997 EuroTel had sold almost 231,000 GSM900 (EuroTel GSM Global) and NMT450i
(EuroTel Classic) customers.
Total number of customers as of the end of 1997 was 429 000.
EuroTel ended the year having sold a total of more than 327,000 EuroTel GSM Global
customers since the system was launched on July 1, 1996. "The demand for mobile
telephones is constantly increasing with year-end 1997 sales being very, very
strong," said Mac Allman, EuroTel's Chief Executive Officer and Managing
Director. He went on to say "I expect that by the year 2000, more than 10% of
Czech citizens will be using mobile telephones, in other words there will be more than 1
million users.
In 1997, EuroTel continued an aggressive expansion of its coverage area in the Czech
Republic and by the end-of-the-year had invested more than 12 billion CZKc to provide the
highest quality system measurements yet achieved in the Czech Repuiblic over a wide
geographic area that covers almost all the population. The EuroTel Classic system now
covers more than 96% of the Czech Republic and more than 98% of the inhabitants. The
EuroTel GSM Global system covers more than 90% of the inhabitants. "We are
investing a great amount of money in the development of coverage and improving quality,
and our quality monitoring - which is measured daily - showed that these quality standards
are expected by our customers. And, that if we provide the highest level of quality
possible customers will select the EuroTel product and enable us to maintain our market
leadership position. It is planned that EuroTel will spend in excess of 6 billion CZKc in
1998 to further develop its systems," added Mr. Allman.
EuroTel has exceeded all the requirements of the Czech regulatory authorities for both
quality and coverage requirements as was required by the GSM900 Authorization/License for
December 31, 1997. Mr. Allman went of to say that "our quality measurements
exceeded those of our competitor by more than 100% based upon our daily measurements of
the two key criteria of Call Blocking and Dropped Calls."
EuroTel has signed roaming agreements, which enables the use of the EuroTel GSM Global
mobile telephones abroad, with 72 partners in 44 European countries, Africa, America,
Asia, and Australia. With a EuroTel GSM Global mobile telephone, a customer can make calls
not only in the majority of European countries but also, for example, in the Republic of
South Africa, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, and
EuroTel‘s 1997 financial indicators were also very strong with annual revenues in excess
of 10.4 billion CZKc, approximately 100% more than in 1996. "Our 1998 revenue
forecast indicates that revenues will not double in 1998 but will be excellent. This is a
result of the market for mobile telephones becoming more of a consumer product in 1998,
and like everywhere else in the world the higher the penetration the lower the minutes of
use per customer," Mr. Allman said.
EuroTel‘s successful syndicated U$D400 million loan, in October 1997, facility was the
largest syndicated loan negotiated in the Czech Republic in 1997. "This loan will
eanable EuroTel to make certain it has the funds necessary to invest for quality and
capacity, including increasing in-building coverage, and ensures adequate working capital
is in place to run the business" Mr. Allman said.
In 1997 EuroTel introduced many new products and services, including the prepaid
"GO" service; EuroTel GSM "START" monthly access package; the
EuroTel Classic "Region" monthly access package; and, a number of other fax and
data related packages. "These new offerings were designed by listening both to our
current and future customers advising EuroTel as to the types of products and services
they want. The "GO" service; the "Vikend" (weekends at
only 1 CZKc per minute); and, "Tyden" (mobile-to-mobile calling at only 2
CZKc throughout the week), have been far more successful than forecast," Mr.
Allman said. For example, total sales of the "GO" sada and "GO" karta
packages through the end-of-January 1998 were in excess of 15,000. This product requires
no contract between EuroTel and the customer and the customer has absolute control over
the amount of money spent making calls.
According to Mac Allman, EuroTel expects further significant increases in demand and the
number of customers to continue in 1998. "We want to maintain and confirm our
position as the largest mobile telephone operator in the Czech Republic into the
future," he declared. "In 1997, EuroTel was - according to the number of
customers and its absolute growth - the fastest growing company in the domestic market.
EuroTel will be able to continue to convince our present and future customers that the
quality of our services, our advantageous prices, and our flexible attractive offers will
make certain that they receive the best value for their money in 1998 and in the
EuroTel Praha Ltd, is a joint venture of SPT TELECOM Inc. (51%) and Atlantic West B.V.
(49%). Altantic West is a company that is equally owned by Bell Atlantic (NYSE:BELL) and
US WEST International, part of the US WEST Media Group (NYSE:UMG).
Prague 3 February 1998
For more information, please contact:
EuroTel Praha Ltd.
Iva Taťounová
Tel. 6701 1163, Fax: 6701 1195
