
EuroTel Praha foresees further, very marked growth in demand and in the number of
its customers in 1998. "We expect to provide services for more than 1,000,000
customers from around the world this year," says Jamie Macdonald, acting Managing
Director of EuroTel Praha Ltd.
Services of EuroTel´s GSM Global network are used by customers in the Czech
Republic as well as hundreds of thousands of visitors from abroad as a result of the
roaming agreements EuroTel has in place with other networks. These so called roaming
agreements are fully reciprocal meaning that EuroTel customers can also simply take their
GSM phone with them when they travel and use it in any one of 79 GSM networks spanning all
four continents.
"The users of our services include not only citizens of the Czech Republic, but also
citizens coming to the Czech Republic from other countries (including, for example,
Australia or Taiwan), who use the EuroTel GSM Global network during working or tourism
visits to Bohemia and Moravia," Mr. Macdonald adds.
As of 31 March 1998, EuroTel Praha, the largest operator of mobile telephones in
the Czech Republic, had sold services to a total of some 482,000 Czech based customers who
have activated mobile phones in the EuroTel Classic or the EuroTel GSM Global networks,
since the launch of operations in 1991. During the first quarter of this year alone,
EuroTel acquired over 53,000 new clients on it´s networks.
"Obviously some of our customers temporarily suspend their service with
EuroTel for seasonal or vacation based reasons and we also actively disconnect those who
are very late with their payment,” emphasizes Jamie Macdonald. “It is therefore
very natural for some of the services sold to customers to be discontinued, especially
over a period of several years.”
According to Jamie Macdonald, EuroTel Praha will continue to lead the Czech
Market this year in the competitive environment primarily through its high quality of
services, the extent of its coverage, and the high level of its customer care. "At
the present time, we have well over 400,000 active customer - not counting temporarily
blocked accounts, International roamers or clients who have cancelled their
contracts," Jamie Macdonald stated.
EuroTel Praha Ltd is a joint venture of SPT TELECOM Inc. (51%) and Atlantic West
B.V. (49%). Atlantic West B.V. is equally owned by Bell Atlantic (NYSE:BELL) and MediaOne
International, which is also known as US WEST International, a part of the MediaOne Group
Prague, May 22, 1998
For further information, please contact:
EuroTel Praha,Ltd.
Iva Taťounová
Tel.: 02/6701 1193, Fax: 02/6701 1195
