
The jubilee, half millionth customer is expected in the next several days by
EuroTel Praha, the largest operator of EuroTel GSM Global and T!P mobile telephone
networks in the Czech Republic. ”The number of customers using EuroTel networks is
growing geometrically and so we should be seeing the jubilee half millionth customer any
day now,” announced Jamie Macdonald, Acting Managing Director & COO of EuroTel
Praha. ”The lucky half millionth customer will obtain a very attractive gift! Exclusive
five-day trip to Paris for two together with 500,000 CZK for Christmas shopping!”
Other interesting new development will be introduced by EuroTel Praha next week,
on Tuesday 15.09.1998. At internet address www.eurotel.cz, you will have access to
the Generated map of signal coverage for EuroTel networks in the Czech Republic.
With the assistance of this map, you may immediately locate any city or town and determine
whether a signal for your mobile phone is available right where you need it. EuroTel is
the only operator of mobile telephones in the Czech Republic to offer the new Generated
Coverage Map service. For illustration, the T!P (NMT 450 analog system) currently
covers a full 98% of the Czech Republic, while the EuroTel GSM Global network (GSM 900
digital system) covers more than 93% of the population.
EuroTel Praha Ltd. is a joint venture between SPT TELECOM Inc. (51%) and Atlantic West
B.V. (49%). Atlantic West B.V. is equally owned by Bell Atlantic (NYSE:BEL) and MediaOne
International, which is a part of the MediaOne Group (NYSE:UMG).
Prague, September 11th, 1998
