
EuroTel Praha introduced just today the absolute novelty - tariff programme
operated without any monthly fees. In the T!P network you may choose between new
service programmes T!P 60 and T!P TOP, available from Sept 14, 1998.
Service programme T!P 60 includes not only the cheapest tariffs at domestic market
(i.e. for one-minute off-peak call you will pay only 3 CZK, on weekends and holidays even
only one CZK) and free of charge connection with the Voice Mail Service, but also full
sixty minutes of calls gratis. These free-call minutes relate to all types of calls, i.e.
it covers both calls to mobile phones and fixed network. Monthly fee for the T!P 60
programme costs just 460 CZK and if you choose to pay this charge by Direct Debit
(collection from your account) then it only amounts to 400 CZK!
An absolute novelty on the market is the programme with trade name T!P TOP, very
first tariff programme in Czech Republic without regular monthly charges! For example,
with the T!P TOP programme you will pay for a minute call on weekends or holidays
only 3 CZK. And above all – if you decide for collection payment approach, you will pay
no monthly charges for T!P TOP program! If you choose any another method of
payment, for the T!P TOP programme you will be billed only by 60 CZK a month.
In brief: with the collection payment approach you will save not only your time but within
scope of T!P 60 and T!P TOP programs you will save also your money!
The new tariff T!P TOP EuroTel offers as the only operator in the Czech
Republic. The unique T!P TOP provides tremendous benefits to mobile phone
users because of its most advantageous pricing,” stresses Mr. Jamie Macdonald, the
acting managing director & COO of EuroTel Praha. ”We prepared new T!P TOP to
simplify our services to the maximum and to make them even more accessible to everyone.
You pay no monthly fees nor charges for use of the Voice Mail Box. In other words: in your
invoice you will find only the charges for the airtime you actually used.”
The T!P network was originally operated under its trade name EuroTel Classic
and it was intended for mobile phones operating in NMT 450 system. With the T!P network
covering currently more than 98% of the Czech Republic territory you will gain access not
only to entire range of mobile phone services, but also many additional (supplementary)
services and advantages free of charge. You pay no fees for utilization of the Voice Mail
Box or calls to the Voice Mail Box. If you use the Nokia 540 or Nokia 550 mobile phones,
you may take advantage of yet another convenience, for example displaying the caller’s
number or time information at the device’s display.
EuroTel Praha Ltd. is a joint venture between SPT TELECOM Inc. (51%) and Atlantic West
B.V. (49%). Atlantic West B.V. is equally owned by Bell Atlantic (NYSE:BEL) and MediaOne
International, which is a part of the MediaOne Group (NYSE:UMG).
new services prvided on the T!P network
T!P 60 |
Free of charge
minutes |
60 |
0 |
Monthly fee |
460 CZK/400
CZK* |
60 CZK/0 CZK* |
tariffs – programme T!P 60
Peak-hours |
Off-peak hours |
holidays |
Fixed network
and Paegas |
CZK 7.50 |
CZK 3.00 |
CZK 1.00 |
networks |
CZK 3.00 |
CZK 3.00 |
CZK 1.00 |
EuroTel –
Messaging (answering) service |
CZK 0.00 |
CZK 0.00 |
CZK 0.00 |
tariffs – programme T!P TOP
Peak-hours |
Off-peak hours |
holidays |
Fixed network
and Paegas |
CZK 9.50 |
CZK 5.50 |
CZK 3.00 |
networks |
CZK 5.50 |
CZK 5.50 |
CZK 3.00 |
EuroTel –
Messaging (answering) service |
CZK 0.00 |
CZK 0.00 |
CZK 0.00 |
* Lower monthly charges are effective with simultaneous
introduction of collection payment from bank account.
Prices are indicated excluding VAT.
Prague, September 11th, 1998
