
As of April 1999 customers of the EuroTel GO prepaid service
can buy recharging GO vouchers also in selected offices of Česká pošta. EuroTel thus
becomes the first operator of mobile telephones in the Czech Republic whose products can
also be found in offices of Česká pošta. During the first phase EuroTel GO vouchers
will be available in more than 500 offices of Česká pošta.
EuroTel Praha concluded the contract on business cooperation with Česká
pošta on 29th March 1999. Based on this agreement, EuroTel GO vouchers will be
delivered to points of sales of individual offices of Česká pošta.
So far it has only been possible to buy phone cards of SPT Telecom as the only
telecommunications product in Česká pošta offices. Therefore this is a logic step in
extending the product and service offer to customers on the part of EuroTel as well as
Česká pošta.
“We believe that our customers will appreciate this expansion of the sales
points network and the increased possibility to buy GO vouchers,” said in relation
to this Iva Taťounová, spokes person of EuroTel.
At the moment it is possible to buy EuroTel GO vouchers in more than 1,300
points of sales all over the Czech Republic, especially at the EuroTel brand stores,
EuroTel authorized dealers, fuel stations, newsagents, and now also in Česká pošta
Česká pošta has at its disposal approximately 1,200 major offices all over
the Czech republic (the total number of the offices is 3,400). During the first phase the
EuroTel GO vouchers will be available in more than 500 places. The number of the sales
points will further increase according to the demand and requirements of customers up to
the 1,200 major offices of Česká pošta during the year.
”By extending our points of sales by the Česká pošta offices, we have once
again moved closer to our customers; now they can also benefit from this service right in
the place where they live,” added Iva Taťounová.
Finally both companies agreed that the contract on selling GO vouchers is just the
first step towards more extensive mutually beneficial cooperation in the near future.
EuroTel Praha, spol. s r.o., is a joint venture of SPT TELECOM, a.s.,
(51%) and Atlantic West B.V. (49%). Atlantic West B.V. is a company with an equal share of
Bell Atlantic (NYSE:BEL) and MediaOne International, which is a part of MediaOne Group
Prague, April 6th, 1999 |
For more information,
please contact:
EuroTel Praha Ltd.
Iva Taťounová
Tel.: 02/6701 1193, Fax: 02/6701 1195
