
EuroTel Praha became the general partner of Information
Technologies and Communications fair – ITC ’99. The ITC ’99 trade will be held on
April 14 – 16 in Prague Výstaviště.
EuroTel‘s exposition will be situated in the right
wing of the Industrial Palace and it will cover an area of 225 sq. m. Visitors will be
able to take part in interesting contests, special presentations, and to watch rich
accompanying program.
EuroTel’s exhibition will introduce especially the following services: GSM
InfoText (professional as well as general information available at EuroTel mobile
phone anywhere and anytime – Mobile Diary, Daily News, Economics and Business,
Travelling and Traffic, Cultural Survey – Prague), SMS Reminder (automatic
receiving of GSM InfoText services, Information at a defined time, Regular daily, weekly
or monthly information) and SMS Plus (sending SMS to FAX, sending SMS to e-mail,
sending SMS to pager, sending head paper of your company – FAX logo).
Customers will also be able to learn more about SuperSound technology, which
uses the advanced EFR coding technology (Enhanced Full Rate) that allows clear voice
transmission. EuroTel is the first and the only operator in the Czech Republic providing
the SuperSound quality of call transmission, and offering this technology to its
EuroTel GSM Global customers completely free of charge.
As for the other products and services, customers are sure to be attracted by the
new GO STAR set with a unique Philips Savvy mobile phone, which was introduced by
EuroTel as the first mobile telephone network in the world on 6th of April
1999. Thanks to EuroTel the Czech Republic thus became the first country in the world
where mobile phone users can send short text messages with pictures and explore a new
dimension of communication without words - through pictures. The GO STAR set
contains the first mobile phone with picture short text messages – "GO
SMAJLÍCI". In addition to that EuroTel offers GO SMS service – short
text message sending - to all the customers using prepaid GO service. The GO
customers are thus able to use EuroTel information services, such as GSM InfoText, SMS
Reminder and SMS Plus, that have already been mentioned, in their full extend.
At EuroTel’s stand customers will also be able to get information on how to save
money by choosing the right monthly service program combined with Víkend, Týden and
Direct Debit services.
"The quality of coverage and especially the quality of calls represent
EuroTel‘s competitive advantage; and the leading position of EuroTel in the market only
proves that customers prefer quality. And it is the high interest of customers what
obliges us to provide the highest quality services with the most
advantageous ratio to price,” said Iva Taťounová, EuroTel‘s spokes person, in
relation to this. "I am sure that our customers will really appreciate the high
quality services of EuroTel - and not only those that will be presented at the ITC ’99
fair," added Iva Taťounová.
Opening hours of the ITC ‘99 fair: 10°° a.m. – 6°° p.m.
EuroTel Praha, spol. s r.o., is a joint venture of SPT
TELECOM, a.s., (51%) and Atlantic West B.V. (49%). Atlantic West B.V. is a company with an
equal share of Bell Atlantic (NYSE:BEL) and MediaOne International, which is a part of
MediaOne Group (NYSE:UMG)
Prague, April 7th, 1999 |
For more information,
please contact:
EuroTel Praha Ltd.
Iva Taťounová
Tel.: 02/6701 1193, Fax: 02/6701 1195
