
The smallest mobile phone for the T!P network has advanced features and an FM
EuroTel offers the broadest spectrum of services in
the area of mobile communications. Not only does the company operate the EuroTel GSM
Global network, it also operates the T!P network, which offers the most extensive coverage
of the Czech Republic and unbeatably low calling rates. EuroTel continues with the
build-out of T!P base stations, which proves that EuroTel continues to invest in its T!P
With the aim of constantly improving its services and expanding its high
quality product portfolio, EuroTel now introduces the completely new NOKIA 650
mobile phone, a handset without competition, for the T!P network. This is the smallest,
lightest, and most modern telephone, and it was developed on the platform of the popular
NOKIA 6110 mobile phone, which is used in the GSM system. Users of this elegant mobile
phone will get the most advantageous calling rates when they will combine NOKIA 650 with
T!P60 program of services.
The NOKIA 650 supports the new, expanded NMT 450 functions, such as the
incoming caller number or name display, a routing key for international calls, and clock.
Its user can choose from 35 rings and two selectable languages. And that's still not all.
The Nokia 650 has a built-in FM radio for listening to radio stations. All you need to do
is plug the headset into the phone, which comes with the standard kit.
"EuroTel is definitely not forgetting about its T!P network customers. In
this area, too, we adhere to the principles of providing the highest quality services, and
we are continuing to invest in the T!P network. The Nokia 650 handset has everything that
a user could expect of a mobile phone, and on top of that, it is small, light, and
attractive. The Nokia 650 and the T!P network, which boasts the broadest coverage, are the
right choice for the customer who demands a modern phone and the lowest service prices on
the market," says Steve Langkamp, Executive Director for Sales and Marketing of
EuroTel, commenting on the Nokia 650.
What precisely does the NOKIA 650 offer its users? The possibility of
setting five different types of ring according to the user's immediate surroundings, so
the phone rings loudly outdoors but quietly alerts its owner of a call during meetings.
Further, the phone has a memory for 200 names and telephone numbers. Battery performance
is the best ever for a T!P phone, delivering up to 2.5 hours of talk-time or 120 hours in
stand by mode. When a Nokia 650 mobile phone user has some spare time, he can play
any of four electronic games on the large, fully graphic display. At other times, it can
be used as a calculator with an exchange rate conversion function, or as a calendar with
an alarm clock. The standard accessories even include a portable microphone with an
earpiece. All accessories are compatible with the mobile phones series 5100- and 6100-.
Subsidized phone price, i.e., the price with concurrent activation is 5,995 CZK,
incl. VAT.
Unsubsidized phone price, i.e., the price without concurrent activation, is 18,995
CZK, incl. VAT.
Only EuroTel states mobile phone prices including VAT!
EuroTel Praha Ltd is a joint venture of SPT TELECOM Inc. (51%) and Atlantic
West B.V. (49%). Atlantic West B.V. is equally owned by Bell Atlantic (NYSE:BEL) and
MediaOne International, which is a part of MediaOne Group (NYSE:UMG).
Prague, 16 July 1999
For more information,
please contact:
Iva Taťounová
Tel.: 02/6701 1193, Fax: 02/6701 1195
