the leading provider of mobile telephone networks in the Czech Republic, received a
statement of approval to the report on fulfilment of conditions defined for development
and operation of its GSM network for the period to 30th June 1999 from the
Czech Telecommunications Office (CTO). EuroTel was informed about the fact by the Chief
Director of CTO – Ing. David Stádník.
“High quality of our network and faultless fulfilment of license conditions
belongs, of course, to priorities of our company. I even dare to say that the real speed
and dynamics of EuroTel development surpassed many expectations. To our customers we offer
the highest quality services as the first ones not only in this country but also in
European and world context,” said Alexander Winkler, Deputy Managing Director of
Recently we can remind you about GO ROAMING, which allows customers of EuroTel prepaid
services to make calls from their mobile telephones abroad. The hot news is the EuroTel
NetCall-55, which is the cheapest way of making international calls of very high sound
quality. Another benefits of this new service include the easy way of the usage and long
list of countries where the customers can take an advantage of EuroTel NetCall-55 service.
“Confirmation of the license comes as other good news for more than three quarters of
a million of our customers, and represents another recognition of continuous investments
to the provided services, by which we ensure the high quality our customers requests,”
added Alexander Winkler.
EuroTel Praha Ltd is a joint venture of SPT Telecom Inc. (51%) and Atlantic West B.V.
(49%). Atlantic West B.V. is equally owned by Bell Atlantic (NYSE:BEL) and MediaOne
International, which is a part of MediaOne Group (NYSE:UMG).
Prague, 18 August 1999