![logo EuroTel](../imgs_cz/cover02_b.gif)
![YOU ASK](../imgs_us/n_m10_faq.gif)
![](../imgs_cz/magazin_stred.gif) ![YOU ASK](../imgs_cz/m10_pracovnice1_2.jpg)
If you dial * 11 on your mobile telephone, you will certainly do so because you have a
problem or you need quick and professional help or advice. And you are right, because this
is precisely the number at which a team of our specially trained employees, prepared to be
immediately at your disposal, is ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
With regard to the fact that some of the questions with which you turn to these employees
are very often repeated, we take this opportunity to acquaint you with the answers to
them. We hope that we will thus contribute even more to your better orientation in the
services of the EuroTel Company.
1. Mailbox
How to activate your mailbox? What is the security code for access to the mailbox at the
first contact? How to set-up forwarding in your mailbox? What to do if you have forgotten
the security code for access to your mailbox?
- All new customers of the EuroTel Praha Company are automatically assigned a mailbox of
the PRAKTIK type. This means that a new customer need not ask for activation of his
- The pre-set security code is 9999 (we recommend to you to change it as soon as
- In order that the incoming calls might be forwarded to the mailbox and the caller might
leave a message in the box, it is necessary to set up forwarding of calls in the menu of
the telephone (either forwarding of all incoming calls = immediate forwarding, or
forwarding of calls under certain circumstances = conditional forwarding). At the same
time it is necessary to select a number to which the calls will be forwarded, which in the
case of a mailbox is + 420 602 999 999.
- If you change the security code for access to your mailbox and forget this new code, no
serious harm will be done. All you need to do is to call *11 and our employees will verify
your telephone number and your identification number and change your security code to 123.
(Your stored messages, if any, will be retained in your mailbox even after this change of
security code.)
(You can find any further necessary information in the User's Guide to Voice Mail
2. Identification Number
What is the identification number? Where can I find the identification number? What
changes can I make through my identification number?
- The identification number is a secret number which, for reasons of protection, is always
communicated to the subscriber who has concluded a Contract on the Provision of Services
with the EuroTel Praha Company in a registered letter. The identification number is used
for the identification of the EuroTel subscriber in his or her contact with the Customer
Care Department (for example when implementing changes or when giving information relating
to the respective telephone number.)
- The identification number serves to implement changes through the Voice Information
System or when speaking to the Customer Care Service operator.
- The changes implemented through the Voice Information System (calling at *11 or 0800 1
80011) and the numerical sequences for setting on the respective service (the Czech
- Temporary disconnection due to theft (1-2-1-1-1)
- Temporary disconnection for holidays (1-2-1-1-2)
- Reconnection after holidays (1-2-1-1-3)
- Connecting to the Text Messages service (1-2-1-2-1-1)
- Connecting to the Regular Detailed Account service (1-2-1-2-2)
- Connecting of the Calling Line Identification Restriction service (1-2-1-2-3)
- Connecting to the service Signalization of the Incoming Call (1-2-1-2-4)
- Connecting to the service International Roaming (1-2-1-2-5)
- Change in the Programme of Services for GSM Customers (1-2-1-3 - GSM offer)
- Change in the Programme of Services for T!P Customers (1-2-1-3 - T!P offer)
- There are already several dozen changes which may be implemented within the framework of
the services used and a great deal of information which may be obtained on the basis of
the identification number when talking to our operators. That is why we recommend you to
contact always the Customer Care Department, at the telephone number *11 from a mobile
phone. The employees of this department, upon verifying your identification number, will
arrange immediately, by telephone, for the implementation of the requested change.
3. Text Service
How to activate the text service? How to set-up the number of the SMS Centre?
- Every customer of the GSM network has an automatically activated service Receipt of Text
Messages, which means that every customer may receive text messages in his mobile
- To be able to dispatch text messages it is necessary to activate the Text Messages
Service, which can be done either through the Voice Information System (see Question No. 2
- Changes Implemented through the Voice Information System) or through a telephone call to
an employee of our Customer Care Department or, as the case may be, through a written
request sent to the fax No. 02/6701 6733 or to the address EuroTel Praha, spol. s r. o.,
Sokolovská 855/225, 190 00 Praha 9.
- As soon as you have activated the Text Messages Service, it is necessary to store the
number of the SMS Centre in the form: + 420 602 909 909 in the set-up of your GSM
telephone (the concept of the Text Message Centre may be variously named in the individual
telephones, e.g. Message Centre, Message Centre Number, Service Centre).
(You can find any further necessary information in the User's Guide to the Text Service,
GSM InfoText and SMS Plus.)
In case of further questions do not hesitate to turn to the employees of our Customer Care
Department, who are at your disposal
7 days a week, 24 hours a day
at the telephone numbers
*11 (from a mobile telephone) or 0800 1 80011
(Calling at these numbers is toll-free on the territory of the Czech Republic.)
EuroTel Praha, spol. s r.o.
Customer Care Department
Sokolovská 855/225, P. O. Box 49
190 00 Praha 9
Fax: 02/6701 6733
or E-mail address: www.eurotel.cz
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