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GOLDEN BOYSbila_mezera.gif (38 bytes)GOLDEN BOYSbila_mezera.gif (38 bytes)GOLDEN BOYS

... or the Czech ice-hockey team is GOLDEN again

We are pleased that this year, too - just like last year - we can share with you the joy which the result of the ice-hockey competition has brought to us all.

Last year we were overjoyed at the Golden Medal which our ice-hockey team brought from Nagano, from the XVIII Winter Olympic Games; this year we may also rejoice at the most precious medal. This time "Our Golden Boys" brought it from Norway where the World Championship in ice-hockey took place in May.

The EuroTel Praha Company as the main partner of the Czech ice-hockey team responded to its victory literally in no time. The representatives of the EuroTel Company welcomed the Czech team at the Ruzyně Airport which was besieged by fans. The General Manager of the Company, Ed Kingman, in person handed over to each member of the team a GO STAR set with a pre-paid card and the Deputy General Manager, Alexander Winkler, took part in the press conference which was held in the airport hall immediately after their arrival. As an expression of thanks to the "Golden Boys" for their brilliant performance and as a surprise for the enthusiastic fans the EuroTel Company organized a celebration on the Prague Exhibition Grounds in Holešovice. At this event the Czech stars of the matches of the Norwegian championship - František Kučera, Milan Hnilička, David Výborný, Jan Hlaváč, Tomáš Vlasák and Viktor Ujčík met up with the crowds of ice-hockey enthusiasts. The area in front of the Industrial Palace was crammed with people who greeted them thunderously and chanted enthusiastically: "Thank you boys!"

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol s.r.o.