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EuroTel Is the General Partner of the Fair ITC '99

Every year the EuroTel Praha takes part in important fairs. In the spring of this year it became the general partner of the event ITC '99 - a fair of information technologies and communications which was held between 14 and 16 April on the Prague Exhibition Grounds.

The new exposition of the EuroTel Company was situated in the right wing of the Industrial Palace. This exposition presented the complete and up-to-date offer of the products of the EuroTel Praha Company. The programme of the stand included the presentation of the services of the GSM InfoText, SMS Reminder and SMS Plus by large-scale projection, as well as a corporate video programme with updated information and presentation points of the data and fax services. The visitors to the fair were also given valuable information as to optimizing their expenses by the right selection of their monthly programme of services in combination with the services Weekend, Week and Payments by Direct Debit.

A coupon of the Big Competition for GO sets was attached to every admission ticket. The main prize was the new set - Go Star.

Apart from attractive competitions the visitors could also watch a unique dance performance in the style of James Bond, supplemented with laser effects and stylish large-scale projection. There were also meetings with well-known personalities from cultural life (P. Zedníček, S. Nálepková and others).

If you did not visit the fair ITC '99, you will have an opportunity to see the presentation of the EuroTel Company at the following event:

4 - 8 October 1999
9.00 - 18.00 hours
Brno Exhibition Grounds, Central Area of the Z Pavilion + Open Space in front of the Z Pavilion

You are cordially invited to visit this fair. We are looking forward to meet you.

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol s.r.o.